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The Black Death.

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1 The Black Death

2 Socials 8 Can Disease change the world?
Review Black Death Q’s from last class Read over the articles! Be prepared for a self check quiz next class Review what we have discussed in class on the Black Death

3 Can Disease Change the World?
1. What was the Black Death? 2. How did the Black Death spread so quickly? 3. How did the Black Death affect People in the 14th century?

4 What was the Black Death?
Include Symptoms and where outbreaks occurred in Europe and Asia Sources you can use: Documents from last class(Illustrations and Excerpts from Decameron The Black death was a massive outbreak of the bubonic plague caused by infectious bacteria. Thought to be spread by contaminated flees on rats.

5 How did the Black Death spread so quickly?
Think about the maps you looked at Diagrams and Illustrations

6 How did the Black Death affect people in the 14th century?
Think about the plague statistics Persecution of Jews during the Black Death Social and Economic impacts of the Plague

7 Can Disease Change the World? Writer’s Boot Camp #4
Construct an argument(e.g. detailed outline, paragraph, poster, podcast) on the BLOG for your writer’s bootcamp #4 For this make sure you discuss what you learned from historical evidence over the past few classes.

8 Taking Informed Action – Writer’s Camp #5 HOMEWORK!
Find current examples of how we prevent, detect, and minimize the spread of diseases in homes, schools, and communities (washing hands, vaccinations) Think of at least one way we might improve the prevention or control the spread of diseases in homes, schools, and communities. You can write about it, do a podcast for your BLOG post.

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