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7 principles.

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1 7 principles

2 500 500 1000 1000 1500 1500 Constitution Review Individual Rights
Republicanism Individual Rights Colonial Econ Causes of AR Events of AR 500 500 1000 1000 1500 1500

3 What is the definition of republicanism
Republicanism for 500 What is the definition of republicanism Click here to check your answer

4 Republicanism for 500 A philosophy of limited government in which elected representatives serve at the will of the people Back to Jeopardy Board

5 What principle number is republicanism
Republicanism for 1000 What principle number is republicanism Click here to check your answer

6 The principle number is 6
Republicanism for 1000 The principle number is 6 Back to Jeopardy Board

7 Republicanism for 1500 True or false? Republicanism is the idea that government should be based the will of the people Click here to check your answer

8 Republicanism for 1500 True Back to Jeopardy Board

9 What is the definition of individual rights
Individual Rights for 500 What is the definition of individual rights Click here to check your answer

10 Individual Rights for 500 The basic liberties and rights that are guaranteed in the first 10 amendments Back to Jeopardy Board

11 What principle number is Individual Rights
Individual Rights for 1000 What principle number is Individual Rights Click here to check your answer

12 Individual Rights for 1000 It is the 7th principle
Back to Jeopardy Board

13 Does everyone in the United States have Individual rights. Yes or no?
Individual Rights for 1500 Does everyone in the United States have Individual rights. Yes or no? Click here to check your answer

14 Individual Rights for 1500 Yes Back to Jeopardy Board

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