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Professional Development and Leadership

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1 Professional Development and Leadership
Strategies for Building a career in libraries Marshall Breeding Independent Consultant, Author, and Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides Computers in Libraries D101 March 26, 2019

2 Overview Many different paths can lead to a career in libraries. In addition to librarians who have graduate degrees in library science, other academic disciplines and practical experience can lead to other professional positions in library organizations. It also takes courage to use library skills in other types or organizations. Breeding has been fortunate to serve the library profession nationally and internationally in a career focused on exploring technology and innovation. His path has been nontraditional, launched through many fortunate opportunities. Hear his professional story, along with some reflections on personal branding, career development strategies, building technical skills, making the move to your business, mentoring, and library advocacy.

3 Career Strategies Shaping your long-term career goals

4 Parallel Career Strategies
Within your current Institution Helping your library to become more successful Meet and exceed position expectations Advance through the ranks Beyond the Institution Substantive promotions often come externally A career may span multiple institutions Work in the profession at large

5 Success as a Technologist
Grounded in solid expertise Strategic understanding of mission of the institution Ability to design and develop technology in ways that support the institution Broad knowledge covering a wide range of technical areas Detailed expertise of selected areas of interest Continuous renewal of expertise

6 Diverse Background Possibilities
Can enter the profession from multiple paths Computing and Technology Library Science Industry Subject specialty Practical experience

7 Leadership / Supervision
Help Department, Unit, Library to meet organizational goals Manage resources responsibly Engage in positive ways with those who report to you Be a positive example Be an advocate in their current position Facilitate advancement Within the current organization In their next position outside your organization

8 Strengthen Organizational Capacity for Tech
Acquire and manage technical resources in ways that will continually strengthen capacity Personnel: build and strengthen teams with the appropriate mix of technical and organizational skills Help the organization make effective use of technology Training, support Infrastructure: acquire the technology products and services able to best support the organization Locally implemented hardware and software Cloud-based services

9 Research and Publications
Required for Tenure, Recommended for others Types of writing Formal, scholarly, peer-reviewed Professional: topical essays Blogs and other informal channels Research strategy Long-term approach Each individual project contributes toward a body of work advancing a given broad issue or topic Image:

10 Developing your Personal Brand
Promote your accomplishments (gently) Shape your public professional profile Object: Cultivate opportunities Personal Identity + Professional Qualities Nikita Duggal. “Market Yourself! Building a Personal Brand for the Information Age.” Jan 7, 2017

11 Social Media Strategies
Approach social media strategically Consider personal and professional aspects Each social media platform has its own unique qualities Post same content to Twitter and Facebook? Separate content streams for each platform? Image:

12 Find your Niche The single issue, topic, or discipline that drives your professional passion Become “the” expert in this area Share your expertise Expand and shift over time as needed Topics can become outdated Image:

13 Questions?

14 Thank you Marshall Breeding
Independent Consultant, Author, and Founder and Publisher, Library Technology Guides

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