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Monday 3 October Topic: A day in the life of a cell

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1 Monday 3 October Topic: A day in the life of a cell
DO NOW What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘protein?’ Describe what functions you think they have in the body. Why do you think they’re necessary in a healthy body? OBJECTIVE Explain how at least 5 cell organelles work together to make and use proteins in your body TURN IN: 2 sheets – one of labeled cell parts, and one is the table of all the organelle functions HW: Rough draft due Wednesday: Detailed paragraph (typed or neatly written on separate paper) Describe how the organelles in a cell work together to make and use proteins. Include at least 5 different organelles in your essay. AGENDA Day in the life of a cell! You will get a ‘script’ afterwards which, combined with your notes, is all you need for the hw

2 Cytoplasm RNA Nucleus E.R. ATP A Day in the Life of The Cell Ribosome
Protein Ribosome RNA Released into blood stream and used as hormone or other bodily structure Golgi Apparatus (Modifies and shapes the protein) Protein being formed at Ribosome Nucleus Cytoplasm Protein could go to membrane to be released into blood stream DNA (Holds genetic information) RNA (Copies genetic from DNA and carries it to the Ribosome to make proteins) (“bubbles” that transport proteins) Vesicles (transports and packages proteins) E.R. Lysosome ::Blood Stream:: Cell Membrane CO2 + H2O ATP (for the cell to use) Ribosomes Mitochondria Cell Respiration Glucose + O2

3 A Day in the Life of The Cell

4 Tuesday 4 October Topic: A day in the life of a cell
DO NOW Where is DNA located and why? How do ribosomes get their building information? What contribution to protein production does the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) play? OBJECTIVE Explain how at least 5 cell organelles work together to make and use proteins in your body (cont) TURN IN: 2 sheets – one of labeled cell parts, and one is the table of all the organelle functions HW: Rough draft due Wednesday: Detailed paragraph (typed or neatly written on separate paper) Describe how the organelles in a cell work together to make and use proteins. Include at least 5 different organelles in your essay. AGENDA Finish day in the life of a cell Cell analogies

5 Cytoplasm RNA Nucleus E.R. ATP A Day in the Life of The Cell Ribosome
Protein Ribosome RNA Released into blood stream and used as hormone or other bodily structure Golgi Apparatus (Modifies and shapes the protein) Protein being formed at Ribosome Nucleus Cytoplasm Protein could go to membrane to be released into blood stream DNA (Holds genetic information) RNA (Copies genetic from DNA and carries it to the Ribosome to make proteins) (“bubbles” that transport proteins) Vesicles (transports and packages proteins) E.R. Lysosome ::Blood Stream:: Cell Membrane CO2 + H2O ATP (for the cell to use) Ribosomes Mitochondria Cell Respiration Glucose + O2

6 Cell analogies With a partner, you are to come up with analogies for a minimum of 4 organelles of your choice These analogies must compare the function of the organelle to a part of a city E.g. a vesicle is like a mail truck because it picks up materials to deliver You and your partner should write your analogy on the appropriate poster Most creative wins! OBJECTIVE Explain how at least 5 cell organelles work together to make and use proteins in your body (cont)

7 Endoplasmic reticulum Lysosome Ribosome Cell membrane Golgi body
Nucleus Vacuole Endoplasmic reticulum Lysosome Ribosome Cell membrane Golgi body Cytoplasm Mitochondrion Cell wall Vesicle Chloroplast OBJECTIVE Explain how at least 5 cell organelles work together to make and use proteins in your body (cont)

8 Friday 7 October Topic: Cells Under the Microscope
DO NOW Complete the pre-lab questions OBJECTIVE Identify various cells and cell components by creating wet mount slides from different organisms. HW: Complete lab analysis questions Detailed paragraph (typed or neatly written on separate paper), describeing how the organelles in a cell work together to make and use proteins. Include at least 5 different organelles in your essay. AGENDA Review lab protocol Cells under the microscope TURN IN LAB BEFORE YOU LEAVE

9 Lab Protocol It is imperative that you stay AT your lab table and RAISE YOUR HAND for permission to move about the room This means roaming around for ANY REASON You get one roaming warning then the next offense is a blue slip Lab materials are to be used for the purpose written in the lab report ONLY ANY misuse of lab materials is an automatic blue slip, no questions asked

10 Lab Protocol Today you are observing animals cells (your own cheek cells) and plant cells (Elodea leaflets) The ENTIRE lab is written step by step – do everything in order so you don’t get lost/confused! Your lab is to be completed (with analysis questions) and turned in TODAY If you don’t complete the lab, you must finish afterschool during office hours

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