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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy

2 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y

3 Identify 2 FORMAL Powers of the President regarding foreign policy?

4 Commander in chief Negotiates Treaties

5 Identify FORMAL Powers of the CONGRESS in terms of foreign policy?

6 Congress declares war Senate ratifies treaties

7 2 INFORMAL POWERS OF PRESIDENT that can overcome challenges by Congress

8 Executive Orders Executive Agreements

9 Describe and/or provide an example of each of the following ways an interest group meets its objectives: 1. Litigation 2. Campaign Contribution/Lobbying 3. Grassroots Organization


11 What techniques does the NRA, NAACP and the Sierra Club use to gain influence?

12 NRA – Lobbying NAACP – Litigation Sierra Club – Grassroots Organizing

13 Why is it difficult for a 3rd party to win the Presidency?

14 Winner-take-all system

15 What contributions do 3rd party candidates make during the campaign season?

16 They bring in new ideas Get absorbed by two-party system.

17 How has divided government led to a distrust in government? Why?

18 Lack of compromise leads to gridlock.

19 How does the increase cost of elections lead to distrust in government?

20 Need SuperPac and Special Interest to campaign
Need SuperPac and Special Interest to campaign. Makes it seem that politicians represent special interest rather than the people/

21 What are 2 consequences of a decline in trust in government?

22 Low Political Efficacy Low Voter Turnout Protest

23 Describe 2 ways the Supreme Court is insulated from public opnion?

24 Supreme Court judges serve for life
Supreme Court judges serve for life. They are not political (apolitical) They do run for reelection.

25 Explain two ways that Supreme Court judges are influenced by the public?

26 President picks the Judges, Senate confirms, President and Senate are picked by the people, so judges are indirectly chosen by the people. Interest Groups can file Amicus Briefs encouraging the court to vote on an issue Increase in Judicial Activism

27 Explain the “necessary and proper” clause?

28 AKA Elastic Clause – given broad and increased powers to FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

29 What is the commerce clause?

30 Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce
Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce. It is the most widely cited clause.

31 How has the Civil Rights Act of 1964 increased power to the Federal Government?

32 States are no longer allowed to discriminate in public or private facilities.

33 Define Selective Incorporation?

34 The Bill of Rights are selectively incorporated meaning applied to the states on a case by case basis.

35 Explain how the rights of a criminal defendant relates to selective incorporation?

36 Gideon v. Wainright

37 What is Soft Money. Why do people want to remove from elections
What is Soft Money? Why do people want to remove from elections? Why are people for it?


39 Why do people want to limit independent expenditures during election season? Why do people want to raise the limit on individual contribution?


41 What is the goal of an interest group
What is the goal of an interest group? What is the goal of a political party?


43 Explain 2 ways interest groups support the fundamental goal of political parties?


45 What is an entitlement program
What is an entitlement program? What is the primary revenue source for Social Security? What is 1 threat to Social Security? What is 1 way to fix the problems related to Social Security?


47 Define Fiscal Policy. Define monetary policy
Define Fiscal Policy? Define monetary policy? Explain how the President can influence Fiscal policy? Explain how Congress can influence fiscal policy?


49 Explain 2 ways states prior to 1960 prevented African Americans from Voting? Explain 2 ways that the federal government prevented states from discriminating African Americans from voting?


51 1. What part of the government is closest to the people. 2
1. What part of the government is closest to the people? 2. Explain 2 ways that the Constitution limited majority rule 3. Explain the 17th Amendment (How does it promote democratic

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