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Figure 4 ADP-induced migration of human microglia is blocked by a P2Y12 antagonist(A) Using 10 μm cell migration chambers followed by crystal violet staining,

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Presentation on theme: "Figure 4 ADP-induced migration of human microglia is blocked by a P2Y12 antagonist(A) Using 10 μm cell migration chambers followed by crystal violet staining,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Figure 4 ADP-induced migration of human microglia is blocked by a P2Y12 antagonist(A) Using 10 μm cell migration chambers followed by crystal violet staining, ADP induced a significant migration of human microglia, whereas a 30-minute preexposure of a P2Y12 antagonist (PSB0739; 10 μM) significantly decreased ADP-induced migration after 6 hours. ADP-induced migration of human microglia is blocked by a P2Y12 antagonist(A) Using 10 μm cell migration chambers followed by crystal violet staining, ADP induced a significant migration of human microglia, whereas a 30-minute preexposure of a P2Y12 antagonist (PSB0739; 10 μM) significantly decreased ADP-induced migration after 6 hours. Results were quantified in both adult (B) and fetal (C) microglia. (D–F) Using silicon migration chambers, preexposure of a P2Y12 antagonist also significantly reduced migratory distance of human microglia. For panels B and C, error bars represent mean ± SEM; n = 4/condition for microglia. For panel F, shaded box represents 95% confidence interval; error bars represent minimum and maximum values. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < Craig S. Moore et al. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2015;2:e80 © 2015 American Academy of Neurology

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