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Scientific Method "The Big Bang Theory" on the Scientific Method

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method "The Big Bang Theory" on the Scientific Method"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method "The Big Bang Theory" on the Scientific Method
Scientific Method Song

2 How Does Science take place?
Scientific Method 1. observation/purpose/ask a question/state a problem 2. research/collect information 3. Form a hypothesis 4. experiment 5. observe, record, & analyze data (results) 6. conclusion (then repeat experiment or confirm with other scientitists) 7. Publish

3 Conducting Experiments
Factors that are likely to change: called variables Independent variable – scientist controls (What the scientist decides to change or make different before the experiment begins) Dependent variable – changes in response to the independent variable. (What the scientist is looking for is measuring/observing during or at the end of the experiment) Controlled variable (AKA constants)– variables that are not allowed to change (stay the same throughout the experiment)

4 Example of Variables Experimenter looks at affect of car speed on gas mileage. Independent variable – Dependent variable – Controlled variables –

5 Example of Scientific Method
1. Observation/Purpose/Problem Room looks completely dark 2. Question/Research/Collect Information Why is it dark? 3. Hypothesis 1) Lights are off 2) Light bulb is burnt out 3) You are blind If I am blind, then the environment will be dark to me.

6 Experiments 4 and 5) Run Experiments and Collect Data

7 Conclusions 6. Conclusions accept or reject the hypothesis
make statements about how your results will apply to other situations Ex: If you conclude that you are blind, predict that the other rooms will be dark too 7. Publish Let others know what I found out

8 Theory vs Law Theory – The best explanation based upon a series of observations and experiments Can’t be proven, but can be disproven Ex: Germ Theory, Cell Theory, Theory of Evolution Law – A statement that is proven based upon scientific investigations and experiments, that stands the test of time; universal Proven, factual Ex: Newton’s Laws of Motion, Laws of Thermodynamics, Universal Law of Gravitation

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