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Emphasis: Get it working and do stuff!

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Presentation on theme: "Emphasis: Get it working and do stuff!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emphasis: Get it working and do stuff!
Raspberry Pi in July Emphasis: Get it working and do stuff! F5 to full size the slide. Talking about 2 Raspberry Pi’s R Pi 3 + $35 using it to run slide show R Pi Zero W $10 get it working. Both of these often available at MicroCenter five bucks off. On March 14 I got the Pi Zero W for $3.14 1

2 Raspberry Pi 3B+ Specifications
SoC: Broadcom BCM2837B0 quad-core A53 (ARMv8) 1.4GHz GPU: Broadcom Videocore-IV RAM: 1GB LPDDR2 SDRAM Networking: Gigabit Ethernet (via USB channel), 2.4GHz and 5GHz b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.2, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Storage: Micro-SD GPIO: 40-pin GPIO header, populated Ports: HDMI, 3.5mm analogue audio-video jack, 4x USB 2.0, Ethernet, Camera Serial Interface (CSI), Display Serial Interface (DSI) Dimensions: 82mm x 56mm x 19.5mm, 50g 2

3 Raspberry Pi Zero W Specifications
Broadcom BCM2835 application processor 1GHz ARM11 core (40% faster than Raspberry Pi 1) 512MB of LPDDR2 SDRAM A micro-SD card slot A mini-HDMI socket for 1080p60 video output Micro-USB sockets for data and power CSI camera connector Un-populated composite video header Un-populated 40-pin GPIO header (same pinout as Model A+/B+/2B/3B) 2.4GHz b/g/n Wi-Fi Bluetooth 4.1 LE Dimensions : 65mm x 30mm x 5mm; Weight : 9g First 3 make it a W. The rest are R Pi Zero specs 3

4 Hardware for a Raspberry Pi
Monitor – TV with HDMI Micro SD card HDMI cable (one end mini for Pi Zero) USB Mouse and Keyboard (end micro for Pi Zero) Power – 5 volts, 2 amps – micro USB CTRL – Shift – 5 to get back to Have Pi Zero in camera – explain focus Monitor: I’m using a projector How many of you have a projector at home with HDMI So I brought along a TV Micro SD: must have an OS on it (got some 32g from MicroCenter for 8 bucks) HDMI cable: since I’m working with a Zero I have a special one miniHDMI USB Mouse and Keyboard: for Pi Zero micro USB and only one. Power: microUSB Wall wart battery 4

5 Software for the Pi: Raspbian
Install Raspbian Configure Raspbian sudo raspi-config or navigate the menus sudo reboot sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist_upgrade Raspbian: the official Raspberry Pi Linux OS. 32 bit. Where to get Raspbian How to install Raspbian Use Etcher Configuing Raspbian: Latest Raspbian it’s just a wizard 5

6 Python learning tool (as in Monty, not snake)
Programming  Python That brings up IDLE (Eric Idle) That gets you the REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) File  New File that gets you to the editor Show that it comes up on the Pi Zero Go over slide Demo on the Pi 3+ Show language selections Go to Python3 do some math 6

7 How to talk to a DDS (AD9850) Python code – PIN BCM COLOR DDS 17 3.3 v White VCC 9 GND Black 15 GPIO22 Gray CLK 16 GPIO23 Red PQ 18 GPIO24 Blue DATA 22 GPIO25 Green RESET Look at the web site briefly Hook up the Pi Zero to the AD9850 Start the program: tune radio to the frequency Show the python code Talk about Antenna Analyser Need ADC – Pi has no analog pins MCP3008 If going to 5v need optocouplers to protect Pi 7

8 TAPR’s WSPR hat for the Raspberry Pi
Download and compile code: sudo apt-get install git git clone cd WsprryPi make Install to /usr/local/bin: sudo make install  Run sudo ./wspr N9NNN EM m Go through slide Show Pi with WSPR hat Go to WSPR Map website 8

9 How to set up the RTLSDR sudo apt update sudo apt install gnuradio libvolk1-bin libusb gr-iqbal sudo apt install qt5-default libqt5svg5 libportaudio2 sudo cp udev/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ Configure Input output Device Device: Realtek Input Rate: 2,400,000 FFT Settings: FFT Size: 1024 Rate: 5 Explains GQRX settings about 5 minutes in 9

10 Project Ideas Raspberry Pi Projects Hamshack Raspberry Pi
Home Automation and Security for Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Projects for Dummies 10

11 Dave Ackerman M0RPI using Pi Zero (26 miles up)

12 Question and Answers 12

13 What would you do with a Raspberry Pi Zero W?

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