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World War II.

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1 World War II

2 Benito Mussolini in Italy
Emerged among the chaos that ensued after WWI Launched attack against Socialist supporters Exhibited strong sense of nationalism (Wanted Italy to be reborn as a new Roman Empire) and gained strong support.

3 Hitler and Nazism in Germany
Takes over after the Weimar Republic Hitler joins National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) Arrested for starting a riot to over throw the government and writes Mien Kampf while in prison, which outlines his plans for the his German Empire Hitler’s beliefs include extreme nationalism, racism including anti-semitism, and an understanding of the effectiveness of propaganda. Through democratic process, Hitler comes to power as Chancellor of Germany Government passes the Enabling Act effectively giving him sole power of Germany

4 Review Treaty of Versailles strips Germany of its military power, makes Germany pay for war damages and makes Germany take full blame for the war. Worldwide economic depression takes place. Rise in totalitarianism and fascism (Hitler/Germany & Mussolini/Italy) Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany and the Enabling Act gives him total power. Germans are embarrassed by the outcome of World War I, and want to bring glory back to their country.

5 World War II in Europe 1936 Hitler invades the demilitarized zone of Germany European powers try a policy of appeasement, they believed that conceding to reasonable demands would leave Germany content. Germany allies with Italy and Japan Hitler pushes more demands, certain that the west was too weak to fight Hitler begins blitzkrieg (lightning warfare), takes control of France and large parts of Europe Nazi’s are unable to take complete control of Britain. Germany attacks Russia, but war is brought to a stalemate because of the winter weather. America does not enter the war but continues its policy of isolationism but sends supplies

6 World War II in Europe Germany control reached all the way to North Africa America joined the war and being a counter offensive in North Africa May 1943: Allied forces being attack on Italy and Mussolini The Allied forces now have a foothold on Europe

7 World War II in Europe Since the fall of 1943 the Allies have been planning a massive invasion of Europe across the English Channel. June 6, 1944 (D-Day) one of the most important days in American History Allied forces under Dwight D. Eisenhower landed on Normandy Beach in France to begin the invasions of the German controlled lands of Europe. May 7, 1945 German Commanders surrender to the Allied forces Hitler is rumored to have committed suicide.

8 World War II in the Pacific
December 7, 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor provokes U.S. into joining war effort Until now America has only provided supplies to the Ally countries, after the Pearl Harbor attack America commits troops to both the European war, but also the Pacific War.

9 World War II in the Pacific
Fighting took place mostly on islands in the Pacific Ocean. American Marines used the strategy of “Island Hopping”. The Battle of Midway Island (June 4) was the turning point of the war. American planes destroyed 4 Japanese aircraft carriers.

10 World War II in the Pacific
America used the first Atomic bombs August 6: Hiroshima August 9: Nagasaki Both cities were leveled to the ground and almost all citizens were killed. Japan surrendered August 14 (VJ Day)

11 Holocaust Genocide: the extermination of an entire people
-Jews were deported to concentration camps across Germany, Austria, and Poland in trains used to carry cattle. Approximately 6 million Jews died in these camps before allied forces could liberate them. America had no clue the Holocaust was going on until our troops found the concentration camps near the end of the war.

12 Nuremberg Trials An international court established to prosecute the atrocities of the Holocaust Many Nazi leaders were convicted of “crimes against humanity” The atrocities were reveled to the world: Mass murders Medical experiments Forced labor Inhuman conditions-starvation

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