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Leadership in Education

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1 Leadership in Education
Comenius Network Nov Oct 2011

2 Lower Saxony State Institute for Quality Development in Schools (Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für schulische Qualitätsentwicklung) NLQ Information Communication Inspection Evaluation Quality Development Leadership Qualification European & International Affairs

3 Aims of a Comenius network
Stocktaking of priority areas Forum for joint reflection and cooperation Dissemination and valorization Platform for other Comenius projects Sustainability

4 Our Comenius Network

5 Project outcomes Internal evaluation External project evaluation
Conferences Website; video clip Communication platform Brochures, Flyers, Press covearge Publications European Synopsis Framework of Reference Good practice examples Recommendations Project partners Tandem partners National (Sub-)Networks Integration of stakeholders Cooperation Materials Evaluation Dissemination

6 Project Outcomes Compilation of 30 European systems of school leadership qualification following a common structure showing general trends giving brief abstracts of country reports

7 Project Outcomes categorizes and structures leadership issues into
domains components qualification modules gives good practice examples gives recommendations

8 Structure of the Framework
2-3 5-6 5 Domains Component Module

9 Domains Political and cultural expectations and their translation into internal meaning and direction Understanding and empowering teachers and other staff Structuring and culturing schools Working with partners and the external environment Personal development and growth

10 Domain 1 Political and cultural expectations and their translation into internal meaning and direction Developing leadership and managing change Developing strategic planning for the school Translating external requirements into internal meaning Negotiating and communicating meaning, visions and mission statements Fostering ethical standards (like ensuring fairness, justice and democracy)

11 Modules Political and cultural expectations and their translation into internal meaning and direction 1a. Developing leadership and managing change 1a1 Management changes 1a2 Educational change 1a3 Strategic planning


13 Qualification Modules


15 Web navigation Module Module description and link Domain Component

16 Conferences Hildesheim: kick-off Izmir: editorial conference Tallinn
Bozen / Bolzano León

17 Group work at e-twinning conference Berlin
In order to improve student performance, what will have to be changed in your school? Identify obstacles in your educational systems and try to formulate recommendations to political stakeholders.

18 Recommendations (I) Recommendation 1
development of a common professional language and thus mutual understanding Recommendation 2 the creation and cultivation of networks Recommendation 3 the distribution of leadership tasks and responsibilities Recommendation 4 attractive working conditions and remuneration Recommendation 5 harmonizing leadership and classroom practice

19 Recommendations (II) Recommendation 6
support of structures for mediation between external and internal expectations Recommendation 7 room for decision-making Recommendation 8 appropriate continuous training and development Recommendation 9 introduction of new leadership roles and staff in schools

20 Recommendations (III)
revision of leadership development strategies Recommendation 11 development of opportunities in school profiling and HR management

21 Lessons learnt Partnership (the consortium)
Stocktaking of educational leadership concepts in Europe Networking / New national networks External evaluation & consultation Project coordination is always a challenge Continuity

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