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Grade 11 University: (MCR3U) Unit 1: Algebra & Quadratic Functions Review of Factoring 2 Mr. Choi © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 11 University: (MCR3U) Unit 1: Algebra & Quadratic Functions Review of Factoring 2 Mr. Choi © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 11 University: (MCR3U) Unit 1: Algebra & Quadratic Functions Review of Factoring 2
Mr. Choi © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

2 Factoring a Polynomials
A polynomial is factored when it is written as the product of polynomials. We will consider that a polynomial is completely factored when no more variable factors can be removed and no more integer factors, other than 1 or -1, can be removed. Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

3 Example 1 – Factoring Special Trinomials
Factor completely You can still think this way!! 2 integers with: Product of: Sum of: -8 & -8 +64 -16 Will be reviewed more later!! You can still think this way!! 2 integers with: Product of: Sum of: +25 +5 & +5 +10 Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

4 Factoring a Trinomial To factor a trinomial in the form
Remove any common factors Write x as the first term in each binomial factor Write the second terms, which are two numbers whose sum is b and whose product is c Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

5 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials x2+bx+c
Factor completely 2 integers with: Product of: Sum of: +12 -7 -4 & -3 2 integers with: Product of: Sum of: -9 -8 -9 & +1 Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

6 Example 2: Continued +2 & +5 -4 & +2 Factor completely
2 integers with: Product of: Sum of: 10 7 +2 & +5 2 integers with: Product of: Sum of: -8 -2 -4 & +2 Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

7 Factoring a Non-Simple Trinomial
Common ways to factor a trinomial in the form Decomposition method Trial and Error (Guess & Check) Decomposition formula CHOI’s Method Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

8 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials ax2+bx+c
Factor completely: By Decomposition method 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+2)(+6)  +12  +7 +3 & +4 By Trials & Errors method +6 Not match Matched!! Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

9 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials ax2+bx+c
Factor completely: Recall 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+2)(+6)  +12  +7 +3 & +4 By: CHOI’s Method: Box Method Reduce!! Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

10 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials - Continued
Factor completely: By Decomposition method 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+6)(-2)  -12  -1 -4 & +3 By Decomposition formula 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+6)(-2)  -12  -1 -4 & +3 Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

11 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials - Continued
By Trials and Errors Method Not match Not match -2 Not match Not Match Matched!! Factoring Non-Simple Trinomials © 2017 E. Choi – MPM3R - All Rights Reserved

12 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials - Continued
Factor completely: Recall: 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+6)(-2)  -12  -1 -4 & +3 By CHOI’s Method Box Method Reduce!! Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

13 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials - Continued
Factor completely: By Decomposition method 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+14)(+3)  +42  -13 -6 & -7 By Decomposition formula 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+14)(+3) +42  -13 -6 & -7 Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

14 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials - Continued
By Trials and Errors Method Not match Not match +3 Not match Matched!! Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MPM3R - All Rights Reserved

15 Example 2: Factoring Trinomials - Continued
Recall 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+14)(+3)  42  -13 -7 & -6 By CHOI’s Method Box Method Reduce!! Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MPM3R - All Rights Reserved

16 Example 4: Combining Factoring Techniques
Factor completely: 2 integers with: Product of ac: Sum of b: (+6)(-5)  -30  +13 +15 & -2 By CHOI’s Method Reduce!! Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

17 Example 4: Combining Factoring Techniques
Factor completely: Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

18 Example 4: Combining Factoring Techniques
Factor completely: Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

19 Homework Work sheet: Review of Factoring 2 Text: Check the website for updates Review of Factoring 2 © 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

20 End of lesson Review of Factoring 2
© 2017 E. Choi – MCR3U - All Rights Reserved

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