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Dual Enrollment NEW Registration Process

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1 Dual Enrollment NEW Registration Process

2 Overview of New Registration Process
1) Student complete online application 2) Student complete DE enrollment request form online 3) Student complete the Dynamic Form online 4) Parent approves DE courses & Terms and Conditions 5) High School Counselor processes the enrollment request 6) PHSC Academic Advisor processes the enrollment request 7) Student receives from PHSC of approval or denial of courses 8) Student logs into their PHSC WISE account and registers for classes at designated date and times

3 Student complete online application
Students will need their social security number Once you complete the application you will receive PHSC account number and login information through the you provided PHSC.

4 Logging into WISE Your WISE account is where you will find your schedule, application to graduate, transcripts and more! To get to the WISE login screen, go to click myphsc at top of screen, then click WISE-New applicants/returning students. To log into WISE for first time, you will need your student ID number or social security number and a pin. Your pin, if you never logged into WISE before is usually your birthday in the DDYY format (day and year). When you log into your WISE account, you will be brought to a page with a menu bar to the left, and information on the WISE homepage to the right (highlighted red). Your default password, student are located on this page. Take a pic or write down this information. Your username for myphsc will be formatted with letters and numbers (i.e. ABC1234).

5 Student complete DE enrollment request Dynamic Form online
Go to Click on Academics. Scroll down and click on High School Programs. Click on Dual Enrollment Page. On the left side of the screen, click Dual Enrollment Online Registration. Click on either Fall, Spring, Summer Enrollment Request Form (Terms & Conditions). Enter myphsc login ID and password, click sign in This then opens the Dynamic Form, click on blue button to begin request Complete Dynamic Form demographics which includes parent name and . Select TERM from Drop down box Select 14 courses that you may want to take, select Face to Face, online, or HS campus, then electronically sign and submit.

6 Parent Request Once student has completed the registration process parent will receive an from PHSC Dynamic Forms. Parent will either create account or use old account information to approve the request.

7 High School Counselor processes the enrollment request
Once student and parent have completed their steps, guidance will receive an . Guidance then reviews/verifies/accepts/rejects course selections based on what is listed on the course request list that the student entered on the Dynamic Form.

8 PHSC Academic Advisor processes the enrollment request
Once Guidance completes approval process an is sent to PHSC. PHSC advisor then approves or denies DE courses. An is sent to the students PHSC address stating that either they are ok to register or that the request was denied.

9 Student receives email from PHSC of approval or denial of courses
If the courses are approved, then the student will be able to log into their WISE account to register for classes on the selected dates and times. If the courses are denied, then the student will need to start the registration process over and fix the issues explained in the .

10 Additional Student Requirements
Students MUST complete the “online readiness” course AND the Dual Enrollment Online Orientation which are found on your canvas account, which is accessed through logging in to myphsc account. If this is not completed then there will be a hold placed onto your account at PHSC and you will not be allowed to register for classes.

11 DE Textbooks Once the students are registered for their DE courses, they will need to print a copy of their schedule off of their WISE account. Students will then bring this to the school on the designated days/times that the DE Book Deposit is open. If the DE Book Deposit does not have the book that the student needs, the student will be given a voucher. The student will need a PHSC ID card in order to use their voucher. They can get the ID from the PHSC library. The student then takes the PHSC ID to Financial Aid and they put the money for the book on the card. The student then goes to the book store and buys the book with their card. Vouchers MUST be used within 30 days of the last PHSC drop/add date. ALL BOOKS will be returned at the end of the semester to the DE Book Deposit on NCT campus, regardless of where you picked up your book. There is a late fee charged for books that are not returned on the designated days ($2.50 per book per day)

12 Text @nctguid to the number 81010.
GUIDANCE REMIND 101 to the number This will be your lifeline to DE information and dates!

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