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Folder has map 1 map each. Atlases..

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Presentation on theme: "Folder has map 1 map each. Atlases.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Folder has map 1 map each. Atlases.

2 Starter: This is Errol. He likes to go climbing at Harrison’s Rocks a sandstone outcrop not too far from Tunbridge Wells. Could Errol have done this 140 million years ago?

3 The Weald 140 million years ago ….

4 Starter: This is Errol. He likes to go climbing at Harrison’s Rocks a sandstone outcrop not too far from Tunbridge Wells. What about 60 million years ago?

5 The Wealden Anticline Learning Objectives:
To know some of the places and landscapes found within the Wealden Anticline. To accurately label and annotate a map.

6 Look carefully at the following landscapes…
How are they similar or different?

7 Outskirts of Crowborough, height (of Crowborough Beacon ) 242m.
Ashdown Forest, height 223 metres.

8 Countryside around Old Heathfield, looking towards Dunstan’s Wood, height 120m.

9 Cranleigh, Surrey, 50-70 metres above sea level.
Hailsham, metres above sea level.

10 Black Down, West Sussex, Greensand ridge
Black Down, West Sussex, Greensand ridge. Highest point in Sussex at 280 metres. Leith Hill on the Greensand ridge. At 294 metres it is the highest point on the Greensand ridge.

11 Clayton, West Sussex, 59 metres above sea level.

12 Beachy Head, near Eastbourne, height 162 metres.
Ditchling Beacon, 248 metres. White cliffs of Dover, height 110m.

13 Why are the landscapes so different?

14 The Weald Today – what changed?
The Weald was originally a swampy basin. Today it is called an ‘anticline’ which is an upward curve or fold in the rock. The oldest rocks are at the core of the fold.

15 A sketch map to show the Wealdon Anticline

16 The Wealden Anticline 1) Complete task 1 from the sheet. The chalk and gault clay have been shaded in already. Shade on the next 3 rock types – choose your own colours or shading system. Glue your map at the top of your page, and write the title above it. 2) Now complete task 2 from the sheet – the key, writing the rock type and the age of the rocks. 3) Task 3 on the sheet.

17 A sketch map to show the Wealdon Anticline

18 The Wealden Anticline 3) Task 3 on the sheet.
4) Task 4 on the sheet. Label on the following places (marked as dots on your outline map) and their average heights above sea level: Ashdown Forest (223 metres) located west of Crowborough Beachy Head (162 metres) located south west of Eastbourne Black Down, West Sussex (280 metres) located south west of Guildford on Lower Greensand Clayton (59 metres) located to the north of Brighton on Gault Clay Cranleigh (50-70 metres) located south of Guildford on Weald clay Ditchling Beacon (248 metres) located just north Brighton Leith Hill (294 metres) located south, south east of Guildford on Lower Greensand

19 Was the sandstone Errol will climb on formed 140 million years ago?
Plenary? Was the sandstone Errol will climb on formed 140 million years ago?

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