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H&S Bakery: Drone Delivery System

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1 H&S Bakery: Drone Delivery System
Michael VonCole & Nick Pratzer

2 Project Goal The Board of Directors at H&S Bakery have entrusted the IT department to further expand delivery operating services The IT department will develop a new capable drone delivery system, accessible to authorized H&S Bakery, IT Department officials. This drone system will be used to deliver baked products to consumers and materials to other franchise bakeries. The Expected Duration of the project is 2 years and 10 months

3 Opportunity Statement
H&S Bakery was founded by the Paterakis and Tsakalos families, who came from Greece to make a new and better life in America The current delivery services offered here at H&S Bakery is that of delivery trucks and vans. The problem with having large trucks and vans as our sole delivery service is that it causes delays in services. Moreover, as these trucks go to delivery sites known as dead-zones, undetected areas unable to be reached by GPS causes a lack of communication.

4 Project Scope Drone system will be a success if the drones are available and up and running within 3 years with: Analysis of H&S Locations Drone and Software Development Prototype and Software Training Helipad Installation Storage System Installation

5 Project Team The IT department is the initial innovator of the introduction to the drone delivery system The project comprises of a selection of stakeholders, project sponsors, drone architects, software engineers, CTO, CFO and CISO The project requires an initial investment of $ 2 million

6 SWOT Analysis Strengths: Weaknesses: Express Deliveries
Remote control flight center Maneuverability No fixed hours of operation Security Camera Weaknesses: Battery Powered Inclement weather Costly Negligent or reckless pilot

7 Opportunities: Expand methods of delivery More use out of website More orders can be placed Increase # of regular customers Threats: Robust drone features Debugged software No fly zones Breach of privacy Litigation fees

8 Project Planning Different Teams will be used to accomplish different tasks Drone Development Team Software Engineer Team H&S Renovation Team Control Center Team

9 Drone Development Team
Design no less than 6 concept drone models Two will be selected as final models (one winner) Design Prototype from selected concept

10 C O N E P T M O D E L

11 Drone Attachments Surveillance Camera and package frames

12 Drone Specifications 8 pounds in weight can carry up to 25 pounds
H&S Products heaviest product is 32oz (2 pounds) Latitude and Longitude Location Will land with exact coordinates GPS systems used for routes, Coordinates used for actual drop

13 Location Analysis 12 Locations 2 Corporate Offices throughout 5 States
H&S Renovation team visits all locations and reviews the interior design for remodeling for storage and helipad installation A week will be given for the team to split up amongst the locations.

14 Project Execution Objectives: Create a working Prototype 1
Outsource Partners for Software Prototype Testing and debugging Create a final Prototype Develop More Drones and Release to the Locations Evaluate overall drone delivery progress

15 Prototype 1 From the concept model an initial prototype will be made
Around $30,000 will be invested in Prototype 1 Between Outsourcing for software and acquiring the materials needed for construction

16 Outsourcing for Software
Meetings with Software Developers Agreements and Partnerships will be built WHY OUTSOURCE? Saves Time without much to pay OUTSOURCE - DEVELOPMENT = DIFFERENCE IN $$ $90, $66, = $23,200 From our initial investment we have money leftover based off of cost estimates

17 Prototype Field Testing
The software has been downloaded to Prototype 1 . The field tests will include flight simulation, flight control, maneuverability, package handling and landing. The testing team will perform fake deliveries using coordinates around the facility. Analyze and Adjust delivery/hardware faults The testing is expected to last just over 2 months to allow for mistakes to be fixed and debugging of errors.

18 Prototype 2 Much more finalized product
Deliveries to test addresses begin Previous bugs have been fixed Adjustments made before the mass Production and release

19 Training Drone Development Training Construction of remaining drones
Software Engineer Training Drone Software Training (Coordinates, use of drone) H&S Software Training Training for H&S pilots to use drones

20 Training Cont. Our estimate cost for the training programs is $54,060
Software Training: $17,580 Drone Development Training: $21,200 H&S Training: $15,280 We need to ensure training is as precise as possible so future drones can be successful

21 Drone Distribution Develop 25 More Drones for first distribution phase
12 Locations, 2 Drones for each location and 3 for the North Carolina location Estimated Cost for Materials per drone = (Estimated Cost * Number Of Days) = $70 * 180 days = $12,600 Total Cost of Software ($12,600 * 25 Drones) = $315,000 Subtotal: $315,000

22 H&S Renovation Construction Team will travel to each location manufacturing: HeliPad Construction Where the drones will land at each facility Storage Construction Shelves needed to store drones properly

23 HeliPad Features Pressure Pad Lift Automated Closing System
GPS Chip with Coordinates

24 Storage for Drones Renovation of all locations for storage
Employees transfer drone from helipad to storage shelf Helipad will drop into the building Organized Storage of all Drones

25 Closing Project Create Final Project Documents
Customer Acceptance Form Final Report Lessons Learned Doc Review Data/Results with baselines created Decide if project was as much of a success as stakeholders/company expected Close Out Meeting

26 Thank You

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