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Lesson 5 2 Peter.

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1 Lesson 5 2 Peter

2 2 Peter 2:1-3 Contrast between Chapter 1 and 2
True prophecy and prophets – true knowledge False prophets and false words 2:1 There WILL be false teachers among believers just as there was among Israel 2:1 They secretly (to enter by stealth) introduce heresies and deny the Master They are bringing destruction upon themselves!

3 False teachers 2:2 Many will follow their sensuality, they live by their senses: what feels good 2:2 False teachers malign/revile/blaspheme the way of Truth 2:2 Because of their greed they exploit with false words “blasphemeo”: To speak with impious irreverence concerning God Himself or what stands in some particular relation to Him.

4 Old testament instances
2:4 Angels who sinned: Angels CAN SIN!! God did not spare them He cast them into hell/pits of darkness “Tartarus or Gehenna”: the place of punishment fit only for demons; later came to represent eternal punishment for wicked people “Zophos”: deep gloom, murkiness, darkness so dense and foreboding it is felt, it brings indescribable despair

5 Jude Jude 6 Angels did not keep their proper domain
Jude 7 They indulged in gross sexual immorality and went after strange flesh These angels took on bodily form (male) and engaged in sexual sins Compared with Sodom and Gomorrah in pursuing unnatural desire in sexual sin They are kept in eternal bonds: Lake of Fire is their eternal destiny

6 Job and Genesis Job 1:6 “sons of God” are angelic beings
Satan was among them Job 38:7 ALL the sons of God rejoiced: before they fell Gen.6:2 The sons of God took daughters of men as wives and children were born Before the flood Some say Satan was trying to pollute Messiah’s blood line

7 I Peter 3:18-20 Christ, at His death, went to proclaim to the spirits in prison who were disobedient in Noah’s time Proclaim what? He is Victor!! “spirits” refers to ungodly people who have died? “spirits” refers to angels in 2 Pet. 2:4? Word for “spirits” is souls: angels do not have souls

8 Cross references 2 Pet. 2:5 God didn’t spare the ancient world
God DID spare Noah and 7 others Noah found favor/walked with GOD even though he lived among all those ungodly people!! Matt. 24; Luke 17 The coming of the Son of Man will be like the days of Noah They did not understand UNTIL the flood came

9 2 Pet. 2:6-8 God condemned Sodom and Gomorrah
God rescued righteous Lot Gen. 18:16-19:38 Not even 10 righteous men were found there God sent angels to destroy those cities Luke 17: Son of Man’s coming will be the same as in the days of Lot JESUS is speaking of Himself!!!

10 Lot 2 Pet. 2:7 Lord rescued righteous Lot
Tormented while living among such unrighteousness But not enough to share the gospel with them Gen Lot chose the well-watered valley, beautiful to the eye (senses). Looked like Eden Gen. 13:5-7 Each of their herdsmen fought, but it was GOD that gave such riches to each

11 lot Gen.14 Abram rescued Lot when he was captured in a war of kings
Gen. 19 God sent angels to rescue Lot and his family BEFORE Sodom was destroyed Gen. 19:9 Lot was described as an alien and judge by the people of Sodom 2 Pet. 2:9 God knows how to rescue the godly from temptation

12 Cross references Gen. 6 God preserved Noah and his family
Ez. 9 God called a man in linen to go through Jerusalem and put a mark on the righteous God called executioners to slay the unrighteous Ez. 14:1-23 Israel was involved in idolatry, abominations, iniquity and unfaithfulness GOD said Noah, Daniel and Job could only save themselves by their own righteousness

13 2 Thess. 1:3-12 Vs. 7 God will give relief to the afflicted and repay the unrighteous with affliction Vs. 7 This takes place when Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire at His second coming Vs. 8 Retribution for those who don’t know God and do not obey the gospel Vs. 9 Punishment will be eternal separation from God’s presence

14 2 thess. 1:3-12 Vs. 10 He comes to be glorified IN HIS SAINTS!
That’s US!!! The angels get to come in flaming fire (but not the fallen ones) Vs. 10 He will be marveled at among all who believe “Marveled”: thaumazo – astonished out of one’s senses; awestruck

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