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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING"— Presentation transcript:

S/Sgt. David Michaud & Project Coordinator Carmen Cousineau

2 Background: January 1, 2019: The Government of Ontario mandated municipalities to prepare and adopt a Community Safety and Well-Being plan (CSWB) by December 31, 2020. As part of these legislative changes, municipalities are required to work in partnership with police services, health/mental health, education, community/social services and children/youth services as they undertake the planning process.

3 The Goal: To achieve the ideal state of a sustainable community where everyone is safe, has a sense of belonging, access to services and where individuals and families are able to meet their needs for education, health care, food, housing, income and social and cultural expression.

4 Requirements: The CSWB Plan must identify:
Local priority risk factors based on community consultations and multiple sources of data (ie Statistics Canada); Evidence-based programs and strategies to address the priority risk-factors; Measurable outcomes with associated performance measures. Municipalities are responsible for establishing an advisory committee with prescribed representation from municipal council, police services board and the various partners listed earlier.

5 Status: To support City Council the Cornwall Community Police Service successfully submitted a request for funding to hire a part-time project coordinator (until March 2020)and assigned internal police resources to support the project. The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services will be offering webinars February/March 2019 and have published a CSWB Planning Framework booklet: PlanningFramework.html

6 Next Steps: Establish the multi-sectoral advisory committee as prescribed in legislation. Develop a targeted communication plan. Collect statistical information using a provincial risk-driven tracking database. Engage the community – meetings, interviews and group/sector consultations. Produce the plan.


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