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Agenda (for me) (Remind them to get copy of Outliers by 4/22) *Vocab Kahoot Practice 9 *Pre-Prep Brainstorm *Socratic Seminar (Inner Outer Circle)

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda (for me) (Remind them to get copy of Outliers by 4/22) *Vocab Kahoot Practice 9 *Pre-Prep Brainstorm *Socratic Seminar (Inner Outer Circle)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda (for me) (Remind them to get copy of Outliers by 4/22) *Vocab Kahoot Practice 9 *Pre-Prep Brainstorm *Socratic Seminar (Inner Outer Circle)

2 Reminders – 4-17-19 2nd Block: Class ID: 21000090
Vocab Unit 9: Vocab Full Quiz, tomorrow, 4/18 ATSS : Unit Test, Friday, 4/19 (Study Guide is posted to the blog under Unit Test Resources) You will need a copy of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell by next Monday, 4/22 HW: Work on writing paper and video project! Vocab Quiz tomorrow. Unit Test Friday. Research Paper: Work on your paper! It’s due Sunday by 11:59 PM – info below. 2nd Block: Class ID: Enrollment Key: spruill2 3rd Block: Class ID: Enrollment Key: spruill3

3 Socratic Seminar The questions should be related to our thematic concept of Human Condition AND the texts you’ve been reading. I will look for you to use the Discussion Starters (academic discourse – see posters that have been on the wall all semester) as a part of your discussion as well. Solzhenitzyn’s One Word of Truth Outweighs the World (today) Wiesel’s Hope, Despair, and Memory (today) Voice episode from Grey’s Anatomy A Thousand Splendid Suns

4 Socratic Seminar Prep – 15 minutes
Review the big idea unit questions (on next slide) and thematic concepts. For each question, jot down your responses. For each thematic concept, consider a statement you could make about this concept based on what we have read and what you have researched. For each response, review your texts and jot down specific examples that would support your ideas/position.

5 Socratic Seminar Prep/Essay Prep
“Big Idea” Unit Questions Thematic Concepts How are people transformed through their relationships with others? If any, what are the boundaries of love and sacrifice and where does one draw the line between them? What are the factors that move individuals / communities/ nations to great sacrifices and what are the consequences? What are the dangers of conformity? Are there benefits? Is conformity required to have a successful society? Finding hope in midst of despair Loyalty and devotion Enduring the unendurable Human capacity for evil

6 Ways to Actively & Successfully Engage in the Socratic Seminar Discussion
Agree – “I agree…and…” to build on an argument Disagree – “I disagree because…” to refute an argument Question – “Ask a probing question to get more details about someone argument Use Evidence – Use a quote from the text to support an argument Devil’s Advocate – Pose a question or situation that is counter to a person’s argument. Connect – Link a person’s argument with another person’s previous statement

7 2nd Socratic seminar groups
Absent: KC Joy Richard Amy Kendall Addi Savannah Katie Amanda Alexis L. Maddie S. Noah Victoria Maddie T. Anna Kimmy Chloe Natalie Ike Cwen Alyssa Will Maya Katelyn Darren Penelope Alexis M.

8 4th Socratic seminar groups
Absent: Rachael Kelly B. Alexa Olivia D. Adam Forrest Evan Jack Kaeden BJ Amari Sophia Tyler Chelsea Ren Ethan Charlotte Kelley C. Christian Sterling Ryan Samantha London Lexi John Mark Amiya Liv Aki Ellie Riley Amanda Jason

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