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Summary of Measures and Design 3h

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1 Summary of Measures and Design 3h
“A haunting tale of risk, rate and odds” Hein Stigum Presentation, data and programs at: courses Åpne «Summary of Measures and Design, Answers» samtidig Trenger ikke «Extra Animation» I KES: 09:00 09:45 1 DAGs 10:00 10:45 1 DAGs 11:00 11:45 1 DAGs 11:45 12:30 1 Lunch 12:30 13:15 1 Measures 13:30 14:15 1 Design 14:30 15:15 1 Design 15:30 16: Design Fronter Message (Fronter>Rom>ny melding): Hi, Handouts for Wednesday's lectures on DAGs and Summary of Measures and Design are now on Fronter under Lectures>Hein Stigum. If you print out you may want to use colors as it conveys a lot of information in these presentations. Jun-19 H.S.

2 Concepts Risk Rate Odds probability, proportion, %
Km/h, cases/person-time 2 math quatities prop: fraction, numerator (top) is part of denominator (bottom) ex: colds in class=2/30=7% , no dimension, 0-1 rate: change in one quantity per change in another (time), ex: speed, drive 100 km in 2 h then average speed is 50 km/h, dimension, no upper bound Odds: disease per healthy person Statistical concept: risk: probability, no dimension, ex: flip coin Jun-19 Jun-19 H.S. H.S. 2 2 2

3 Cohorts Closed cohort Open cohort Count persons, risk
Count person-time, rate Closed cohort with time varying covariates Line= follow up Circle=event (disease) Red line=exposed Count person-time, rate Jun-19 H.S.

4 Epidemiological measures
Frequency prevalence incidence Association Risk difference Risk ratio Odds ratio Potential impact Attributable fraction How much disease? More disease among exposed? We have covered .. We turn now to Association measures Does smoking cause lung cancer? We measure the strength of the association between the risk factor (smoking) and the disease. assoc. measures are calculated from freq measures Important cause? Jun-19 H.S.

5 Frequency measures May convert rate to risk: Name Equation Type
Cohorts Prevalence Incidence Proportion (Cumulative Incidence) Incidence Rate Odds risk rate odds - closed cohort any cohort Show extra animation here May convert rate to risk: Jun-19 H.S.

6 Disease frequency depicted
Show: Prevalence Incidence proportion, closed pop, no loss to follow up Incidence rate, takes observation time into account, (could also have loss to follow up) H.S.

7 Exercise: Risk, Rate and Odds
Cohort of 200 subject followed for 10 years Calculate the 10-year risk of disease Calculate the rate of disease Calculate the 10-year odds of disease Explain the results in words 5 minutes Jun-19 H.S.

8 Frequency measures existing cases Prevalence Incidence proportion risk
Incidence rate existing cases risk new cases rate odds Prevalence odds Incidence odds Jun-19 H.S.

9 Association measures More disease among exposed?
Compare frequency among exposed1 and unexposed0 Difference: RD=risk1-risk0 0=no effect Ratio: RR=risk1/risk0 1=no effect Frequency Association or Effect Difference Ratio Risk Rate Odds Difference Risk Difference, RD Rate Difference - Ratio Risk Ratio, RR Rate Ratio, RR, IRR, (HRR) Odds Ratio, OR Dekoder til bakkenett: 1 kr vs 0.5 kr Situation 0-1 Can use all 3 types of measures, ex=incidence prop 2 types: null value=no association RR=2 means exposed twize the risk Jun-19 H.S.

10 Designs Jun-19 H.S.

11 The 2 by 2 table The lowest number sets the precision
d The lowest number sets the precision =.13 To increase power: In a cohort study: oversample unexposed In a case control study: oversample disease To increase power: Cohort: balance exposure (north-south) Case-Control: balance disease (east-west) Jun-19 H.S.

12 Time E,D no time cross-section E → D prospective
cohort, nested CC, Case-Cohort E ← D retrospective traditional CaseControl Present time Jun-19 H.S.

13 Designs Aims Designs Disease occurrence Exposure-Disease association
Cross-sectional studies Cohort studies Case-control studies Case-Cohort Nested Case Control Traditional Case Control Inside an existing cohort Aim: find association Designs: unit of analysis, time for finding exposure and disease At the end of an imaginary cohort Jun-19 H.S.

14 3 examples What design should we use? Gender and Smoking
Do girls smoke more than boys? Exercise and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Does exercise reduce the risk? Genes and Diabetes type 1 Does gene-type increase the risk? Consider: Reversed Causality Frequency of outcome Recall bias What design should we use? Jun-19 H.S.

15 Cross-section Jun-19 H.S.

16 Prevalence depicted Prevalence risk Exposed: P1 Unexposed: P0
Prevalence odds Exposed: O1 Unexposed: O0 Jun-19 H.S.

17 Cross-sectional example
Pro: fast and inexpensive Con: reversed causality Interpretations in the two last slides Adolescents age 16-18 95% CI Ex 2: Reversed causality: right after disease, CHD->little exercise, later may have CHD->much exercise OK Typical problems: Rev. Caus. Size Recall Jun-19 H.S.

18 Cohort Jun-19 H.S.

19 Incidence risk, rate and odds depicted
Exposed: R1 Unexposed: R0 Show: Prevalence Incidence proportion, closed pop, no loss to follow up Incidence rate, takes observation time into account, (could also have loss to follow up) H.S.

20 Exercise: Cohort Full Cohort, 3 year follow up
Calculate the 3-year risk of disease for exposed and unexposed Calculate the rate of disease for exposed and unexposed Calculate the 3-year odds of disease for exposed and unexposed Calculate the difference and ratio association measures, use no exercise as reference. Explain the results in words Exercise-CHD: OR=0.5 significant down to 2000 subjects Gene-Diabetes: OR=2.4 significant down to subjects (power 80%) subject followed for 3 years 95% CI Gene-Diabetes as cohort: Gene freq 5% * dis freq 1%=0.05% Number in exposed, diseased cell= *0.05%=50 10 minutes Jun-19 H.S.

21 Case Control studies Jun-19 H.S.

22 Traditional Case-Control
Full Cohort: Case-Control: Sampling fraction f=0.1 N % N   Contr/Case Power Full cohort % % Trad. Case-Control % % In practice: All cases, 1-5 controls per case Sample controls independent of exposure Sample controls from base population of cases Money saved? Jun-19 H.S.

23 Traditional Case-Control cont.
One Control per Case: Sampling fraction f=? Typical problems: Rev. Caus. Size Recall Jun-19 H.S.

24 Nested studies: case-control inside a cohort
Exposure information: relatively cheap store blood, questionnaire full cohort relatively expensive analyze blood cases+controls Cohort start Cohort end store blood quest. quest. quest. Cases analyze blood Expensive: money or limited amount of blood → prospective study → Controls exposure Jun-19 H.S.

25 Nested studies cont. for rare outcomes
Cohort problems Trad. Case-Control problems Poor balance  large study Recall bias Selection of controls Nested studies: Case-Cohort Nested case-control Expensive: money or limited amount of blood Efficient design (balanced) Prospective (no recall bias) Easy selection of controls Jun-19 H.S.

26 Case-Control studies of (imaginary) cohort E → D prospective E ← D
Design Nested Direction Sample controls Case-Cohort Nested Case-Control Traditional Case-Control Yes No Prospective Retrospective At start During follow up At end of (imaginary) cohort E → D prospective E ← D retrospective Jun-19 H.S.

27 Case-Cohort . controls Show extra animation Prospective Jun-19 H.S.

28 . . . . Nested Case-Control case case controls controls risk set
Prospective Jun-19 H.S.

29 Traditional Case-Control
. controls Retrospective Jun-19 H.S.

30 Exercise: Case-Control studies
Full cohort 10 year follow up Sampling fraction f=0.1 Include all cases from the full cohort. Sample controls as in 2-4 below: Case-Cohort: sample 10% disease free (independent of exposure) at the start of the cohort. Calculate the pseudo risks of disease. Nested Case-Control: sample 10% of the risk time (independent of exposure) as control. Calculate the pseudo rates of disease. Traditional Case-Control: sample 10% disease free (independent of exposure) at the end of the cohort. Calculate the pseudo odds of disease. Calculate risk-, rate- and odds ratios. 20 minutes Jun-19 H.S.

31 Case-Cohort vs. Nested Case-Control
Design Loss to follow up Tailored sampling Reuse controls Estimation Case-Cohort: Nested Case-Control: Low efficacy if much loss to follow up Good Simple random Stratified sampling. Counter matching. Yes Not straight forward Modified Cox Stratified Cox or Conditional logistic Case-Cohort: generalist Nested Case-Control: specialist Jun-19 H.S.

32 Measures and regression model
Outcome Exposed Unexposed Regression Continuous mean1 mean0 Linear regression Binary risk1 rate1 odds1 risk0 rate0 odds0 ? Jun-19 H.S.

33 Adjusted measures Remove the effect of confounders in regression models Frequency Association or Effect Difference Ratio Risk RD: RR: Rate IRR: Odds - OR: Linear-binomial Log-binomial Linear-Poisson Cox, Poisson Logistic Generalized linear models Family (y|x) Link Measure Alternative binomial Standardize freq measures on sex and age Remove effect of sex and age on association measures in regression logit log identity OR RR RD Poisson regression with robust variance Linear regression with robust variance Poisson identity RateDiff Jun-19 H.S.

34 Summing up Frequency Association Designs risk, rate, odds
risk, rate, odds in exposed vs unexposed Designs Cross-sectional Cohort Case-control Case-Cohort Nested Case Control Traditional Case Control no time prospective nested prospective retrospective Logistic regression is not the only model! Jun-19 H.S.

35 Extra Material Jun-19 H.S.

36 Interpretations of Difference and ratio measures
Jun-19 H.S.

37 Cross-sectional example, interpretations
Risk Difference=0.16: Among boys 14% smoke, girls smoke 16 percetagepoints more Risk Ratio=2.1: Among boys 14% smoke, girls smoke 2.1 times more Rate Difference: Adolescents age 16-18 95% CI Ex 2: Reversed causality: right after disease, CHD->little exercise, later may have CHD->much exercise Rate Ratio: Odds Ratio=2.6: The odds of smoking is 2.6 higher for girls than for boys Jun-19 H.S.

38 Cohort exercise, interpretations
Full Cohort, 3 year follow up Risk among unexposed=0.10: If no exercise the 3 years risk of coronary heart disease is 10%, Risk Difference=-0.05: those who exercise have 5 percentage points less risk Risk Ratio=0.5: those who exercise have half the risk Exercise-CHD: OR=0.5 significant down to 2000 subjects Gene-Diabetes: OR=2.4 significant down to subjects (power 80%) subject followed for 3 years 95% CI Gene-Diabetes as cohort: Gene freq 5% * dis freq 1%=0.05% Number in exposed, diseased cell= *0.05%=50 Rate among unexposed=0.035: If no exercise the rate of CHD is 35 new cases per 1000 person years Rate Difference=-0.018: those who exercise will have 18 cases less per 1000 py Rate Ratio=0.49: those who exercise will have half the rate of CHD Odds Ratio=0.47: The odds of CHD is appr. half among subject who exercise compared to no exercise Jun-19 H.S.

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