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The 2000’s.

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1 The 2000’s

2 The 2000 Election Most bitterly contested election in 100 years
Gore/Lieberman Moderate populism Shadow of Clinton Bush/Cheney “Compassionate Conservative” Roughly ½ of eligible voters went to polls Voting irregularities Florida

3 The Aftermath…. Close election in Florida
Bush lead pop vote in FL, Gore wanted recount in 4 Democratic counties Ballot irregularities, inaccurate registration, incomplete lists, old voting machines, butterfly ballots, hanging chads Katherine Harris (R-Sec State & manager of Bush campaign in FL) refused recount, declared Bush winner Florida Supreme Court approved recount Bush appealed to U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 Court supported Bush and ruled against it Gore won national popular vote Bush won electoral college vote (Mainly because all ballots were not counted in FL, he kept the 27 electoral votes)

4 Bush II Reversal of Clinton’s policies $1.3 Trillion tax cut
Economic recession Globalization and Y2K Rolled back environmental protection 2000 census and multiple identities Immigration, borders and cheap labor

5 September 11th, 2001 Attack on World Trade Center Nearly 3,000 dead
Islamic fundamentalists attacked symbol of economic and cultural imperialism OR economic freedom and opportunity… Bush became a “War President” Osama Bin Ladin

6 Invasion of Iraq, ??? Bush administration tied 9/11 attacks, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda to Iraq and Saddam Hussein Global terrorist threat and “Axis of Evil” Remake the Middle East into pro-Western democracies favorable to the US War dragged on…Where’s Bin Laden? Several trillion dollars

7 Election of Barak Obama
Constitutional Lawyer, Harvard Law Review Bi-racial Moderate/liberal Economic crisis Health Care National debt Crippled GOP

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