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Resilience and long-term absenteeism USE Conference 2015 Leni Beukema

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1 Resilience and long-term absenteeism USE Conference 2015 Leni Beukema

2 Overview Introduction Context and theoretical background Research strategy and design Results Conclusions and discussion

3 Introduction Program Enhancing Professional Resilience of Police Officers Project ‘Everyone involved’, focus on reducing long-term absenteeism Quantitative research on background of absenteeism New approaches needed: qualitative pilot

4 Research questions Individual level: what is drive of police officers for their work and how does this fit (the demands of) the workplace Organizational level: what are common themes in the individual cases that provide starting points for Politie Nederland to enhance resilience of police officers

5 Context High level of sickness absence at Dutch Police
Percentage 2013: 5.7% (National 3,9%) Duration 1,6% < 3 months 4,1% > 3 months (420 days average) Reintegration policy high on agenda

6 Theoretical background
Organization theory: focus on sensemaking in interaction (Giddens, Weick, Czarniawska) Structuration Routines Generic subjectivity (basic patterns of action)

7 Theoretical background
Sustainable employability (Van Vuuren, De Lange a.o.): looking for development and motivation

8 Theoretical background
Supported employment (Valkenburg & Coenen): individual demand driven approach: prospects and motivations individual as actor reciprocity between individual and organization

9 Drive Individual actor Wishes and motives Skills and competences
Learning (strategy) Network character Individual actor Drive Wishes and motives Skills and competences Learning (strategy) Network Character

10 Reciprocity individual and organization
Drive Wishes and motives Skills and competences Learning (strategy) Network character Reciprocity individual and organization Core of workplace Tasks and times Needed skills and competences Development opportunities Network Atmosphere Drive of employee Wishes and motives Skills and competences Learning (strategy) Network Charcater

11 Research strategy and design
Parallel to quantitative research Narrative approach: 9 cases Interviewers with coaching skills Looking for realistic prospects (and if possible: working on them) Mutual adequacy: giving back analyzed stories to narrator giving back collected stories and mutual themes to stakeholders in organization

12 Results on individual level
Reciprocity needed Frequence Result Cooperation management / empolyee 2 2 + Employee takes action/ management feacilitates 3 1 -/+ No cooperation 4 3 - 1 +/-

13 Basic patterns as generic subjectivity: common themes
Importance of preventing broken interaction “I spent four months at home without even being contacted once. Nothing.” Arbitrariness in the process of reintegration/ follow the rules “ I had to arrange that entire process of reintegration, operating again and reintegrating again myself.” Unfamiliarity with PTDS “ …I briefly told him (The manager, lb) about my experience and what I was working on. As the conversation progressed he became quieter and quieter. He also said he was greatly impressed.”

14 Basic patterns as generic subjectivity: common themes
Dealing with diversity “ In my eyes I was still able to do so much. And I suggested it….. But I was kept away from all of it.” Attention to development “ I’m happy to have my study…. And once this whole thing is over, I will start looking for something to follow on my course.”

15 Conclusions and discussion
Open dialogue necessary for adequate balance for both parties Recognizing differences in resources manager and absent employee When patterns are broken: other contact can be asked by both parties

16 Recommendations Start form the beginning in dialogue, with knowledge of legal regulations and terms of employment Substitute work on adequate level More intense information on PTDS Involvement of partner/ children if desired Management focused on development of people

17 Comments? Questions?

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