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Response to the Economic Collapse

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1 Response to the Economic Collapse
Lesson 31

2 Children like those picketing here were seen far too often during the Great Depression. Many U.S. families were in dire need of jobs, food, clothing, and shelter. Read these facts: Nearly one in four Americans was unemployed. More than 13 million Americans had lost their jobs since 1929. Roughly 10,000 banks had failed since 1929. About $2 billion in deposits were lost since 1929. Per capita income fell from $681 in 1929 to $495 in 1933 What does this have to do with today? What happens when you can’t afford to live? Let’s take a look-> 15 min

3 It’s Your Turn... Imagine that you are a government official who must respond to the pleas of hungry children following the 1929 economic collapse. What will you tell them can be done to help them and their families? Decide which response from your table group you most agree with. In your journal write the letter of that response and a few sentences that explain your choice. 8 min

4 How Should the Government Respond?
Government leaders had to try to meet the needs of millions of Americans. Supporters of different political ideologies, including Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt, disagreed on the best response. (Read Zinn excerpt) Read the Introduction in the Student Text. Complete these questions in your journal: Who are the men in this image? Where are they? Why are they here? In what ways might the federal government respond to this situation? Homeless veterans today: approx 62,619 with over 25% in California (over 15,000) according to government statistics 10- min

5 In your journal, please add the title “Responses to Economic Crisis”
Now you will take thorough notes in your journal for Section 1 of your text. Please be sure you have the vocabulary (highlighted) listed as these terms will be on your unit test. The test is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14th.

6 Ideological Responses to the Economic Crisis
Politicians and other public figures proposed various methods to solve the country’s economic problems. People’s ideologies shaped their suggestions. Ideology- set of basic ideas, beliefs, and values that form the basis of a social, economic, or political philosophy Conservative Response Liberal Response Radical Response

7 This graph demonstrates how the business cycle repeats itself over time. The cycle’s pattern begins with a period of economic expansion, after which economic activity peaks before the cycle moves into decline. After the economic downturn reaches its lowest point, a new period of expansion begins.

8 Conservative Response: Let the Economy Stabilize
Conservatives cherish and seek to preserve traditional customs and values In 1930’s this included self-reliance, individual responsibility, and personal liberty Prefer the status quo (current conditions) over abrupt changes and accept change only in moderation Opposed large governmental efforts to affect change Business cycle (pattern which economic growth is followed by decline, panic, and eventual recovery) would right itself given time Promoted charities/churches as response to assume responsibility of providing basics necessities to the needy Local government’s responsibility to care for their constituents

9 Liberal Response: The Government Must Help
Liberals are committed to expansion of liberty Believe government should intervene to regulate economic affairs in order to protect the individual Proposed public works (government funded construction projects) and imposing new taxes on the wealthy and corporations to raise money for social welfare programs (provide aid to those in need) Encouraged government role within the framework of the capitalist system

10 Radical Response: Capitalism Must Go
Radicals want to institute sweeping social, political, or economic change in society Display little patience for status quo and will seek change by dramatic means or revolution (Red Scare example) In 1930’s socialists and communists alike were attracting support for radical change Communists supported elimination of market economy to that of communist Economic decisions would shift from the marketplace (business owners) to the government Wealth would be distributed according to need

11 Lesson 31 Section 1 Activity Handout
Please complete the handout as instructed and turn in at the front of the room. Be sure to hold onto your text. Have a great day!

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