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Building a Geodatabase

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1 Building a Geodatabase
Exercise 3: Creating subtypes and attribute domains Suzanne Montes GEOG 482

2 Creating an attribute domain
Right-click the Montgomery geodatabase and select Properties

3 The Database Properties dialog box appears.
Click the Domain tab. Enter LatDiameter in the last empty field under Domain Name and enter Valid diameter for water laterals in the Description.

4 Under the Domain Properties, click the pull down menu for the Field Type and select Float. Under the Coded Values, enter the following codes and descriptions. Code Description 10 10" 8 8" 6 6" 4 4" 3 3" /4" 2 2" /2" /4" 1 1 /4" -9 Unknown It is unclear in the instruction that the Domain Type needs to be changed to Coded Values.

5 When trying to enter the Code and Descriptions for the items on the previous slide, it wouldn’t allow me to enter the information. Dr. DeMers, Maria and I had tried several times and no luck.

6 Click the Subtype Field pull down menu and select TYPECODE.
Under Subtypes, click in the Description and type Unknown. You now can change the default values and domain.

7 Add the following subtypes:
Hydrant laterals Fire laterals Service laterals

8 For each Subtype that was added, change the default value for the DIAMETER to 8 and the domain to LatDiamter, for the DEPTH_BURI and RECORDED_L fields change the Default Value to 0.

9 For the Hydrant laterals subtype, change the WNM_TYPE AND PWTYPE fields to WHYDLIN.
As in all other programs, you can copy and paste. This will help eliminate typing error and will help with consistency.

10 For the Fire laterals subtype, change the WNM_TYPE AND PWTYPE fields to WFIRELIN.

11 For the Service laterals subtype, change the WNM_TYPE AND PWTYPE fields to WSERVICE.
If you don’t specify a subtype, ArcMap will automatically assign a default.

12 To change the default subtype to Service laterals, simply select the pull down menu for the Default Subtype and select Service laterals.

13 When all is done, select the preview tab and preview the table
When all is done, select the preview tab and preview the table. You can see the changes made. Is that cool or what?????

14 By adding domains and creating subtypes to the geodatabase, you have just created

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