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Frieda meets Pegasus-WMS

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1 Frieda meets Pegasus-WMS
What if I want to define workflows that can flexibly take advantage of different grid resources? What if I want to register data products in a way that makes them available to others? What if I want to use the grid without a full Condor installation?

2 Pegasus Workflow Management System
A higher level on top of DAGMan User creates an abstract workflow Pegasus maps abstract workflow to executable workflow DAGMan runs executable workflow Doesn’t need full Condor (schedd only)

3 Pegasus features Workflow has inter-job dependencies (similar to DAGMan) Pegasus can map jobs to grid sites Pegasus handles discovery and registration of data products Pegasus handles data transfer to/from grid sites

4 Generating mosaics of the sky (Bruce Berriman, Caltech)
Size of the mosaic in degrees square* Number of jobs Number of input data files Number of intermediate files Total data footprint Approx. execution time (20 procs) 1 232 53 588 1.2GB 40 mins 2 1,444 212 3,906 5.5GB 49 mins 4 4,856 747 13,061 20GB 1hr 46 mins 6 8,586 22,850 38GB 2 hrs. 14 mins 10 20,652 3,722 54,434 97GB 6 hours Kent – fixed small typo *The full moon is 0.5 deg. sq. when viewed form Earth, Full Sky is ~ 400,000 deg. sq. 4

5 Abstract Workflow (DAX)
Pegasus workflow description—DAX Workflow “high-level language” Devoid of resource descriptions Devoid of data locations Refers to codes as logical transformations Refers to data as logical files

6 Basic Workflow Mapping
Select where to run the computations Change task nodes into nodes with executable descriptions Select which data to access Add stage-in and stage-out nodes to move data Add nodes that register the newly-created data products Add nodes to create an execution directory on a remote site Write out the workflow in a form understandable by a workflow engine Include provenance capture steps Maps jobs to grid sites partially according to a match between grid site’s platform and the binaries you have. Binaries can be transferred or not. Note that Pegasus-plan creates the condor submit files for all jobs

7 Pegasus Workflow Mapping
1 4 Original workflow: 15 compute nodes devoid of resource assignment 5 8 9 4 10 12 13 15 8 3 Resulting workflow mapped onto 3 Grid sites: 11 compute nodes (4 reduced based on available intermediate data) 13 data stage-in nodes 8 inter-site data transfers 14 data stage-out nodes to long- term storage 14 data registration nodes (data cataloging) 7 9 12 10 15 13 7

8 Pegasus WMS Workflow Description in XML (DAX) Properties
Replica Catalog Pegasus Workflow Mapper Site Catalog Transformation Catalog TeraGrid Open Science Grid Campus resources Local machine Condor DAGMan Condor Schedd Submit Host Pegasus WMS restructures and optimizes the workflow, provides reliability 8

9 Mapping a workflow To map a workflow, use the pegasus-plan command:
% pegasus-plan --dir dags --sites viz --output local --force --nocleanup --dax pegasus-wms/dax/montage.dax Creates executable workflow

10 Running a workflow To run a workflow, use the pegasus-run command:
% pegasus-run properties pegasus-wms/dags/train01/pegasus/montage/run0001 Runs condor_submit_dag and other tools Pegasus-plan gives you the pegasus-run command you need

11 There’s much more… We’ve only scratched the surface of Pegasus’s capabilities

12 Pegasus links Pegasus home page:
Tutorial materials available at: For more questions:

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