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FY19 Title I Parent Survey Results

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1 New Georgia Elementary School FY19 Annual Title I Parent Survey Results

2 FY19 Title I Parent Survey Results
Q1. 58 parents at New GA took the survey. This is only 19% of our school. We will use this data to help us make decisions for

3 FY19 Title I Parent Survey Results
Q2. Which of the following parent and family opportunities do you find valuable at our school? Please check all that apply.   New Georgia Elementary School Count % Parent Meetings/Family Nights 40 69% Volunteer Opportunities 27 47% Open House Opportunities 41 71% Parent-Teacher Conferences 52 90% I am unable to participate in any of the parent-family events provided 3 5% Other (Please specify) 0% Did not answer 1 2% Parents find parent teacher conferences and parent meetings/nights the most valuable. The data shows that only 5% of the parents surveyed are unable to attend however, participation to parent & family events are inconsistent. Goal will be to reach more parents and provide opportunities to double up meetings.

4 41% of our parents haven’t been able to use the PRC
41% of our parents haven’t been able to use the PRC. How can we make this resource more convenient to our parents?

5 New Georgia Elementary School
Q6. Our district used Title I funds to purchase resources to support the academic success of our students. Please check the items that you would like to see continue in the upcoming school year. Please check all that apply. New Georgia Elementary School Count % Resources and materials for families, including additions to the Parent Resource Center and/or Website 38 66% Resources, supplies, and materials for parent/family meetings & events, which may include light snacks 36 62% Parent & Family Engagement personnel (Title I support staff) 27 47% Parent Engagement related professional learning resources/activities for staff 32 55% Did not answer 7 12% Those parents who are going to the PRC or who are familiar with the purpose of the PRC do support the need for resources. As well as the need to continue resources and supplies for parent/family nights.

6 New Georgia Elementary School
Q8. There are computers available for parent use at our school. Please let us know how you use them, so that we can continue to provide this resource and service. Please check all that apply. New Georgia Elementary School Count % For personal use (this is acceptable) 8 14% To access on-line activities and information for my child 15 26% To print items 12 21% Other (please specify) 0% Did not answer 22 38% 35 parents use the PRC computer/printer. 22 parents did not answer. Is this because they didn’t not know this opportunity was available to them? Again, it is difficult to measure, when questions are skipped.

7 Of the parents surveyed…
Of the parents surveyed….Our parents at NGA are using the PCSD and NGA websites. In addition to teacher recommended sites. Goal for next year is to increase the Title I website verbiage/knowledge and increase teacher canvas usage.

8 1/3 of our parents feel like their students only SOMETIMES enjoy coming to school. :-(

9 New Georgia Elementary School
Q11. I feel welcome at my child's school. New Georgia Elementary School Count % Always 47 81% Sometimes 8 14% Never 1 2% Why or why not? 0% Did not answer 2 3% Majority feels welcomed when they come to New GA. We will work and strive to push the “SOMETIMES” towards always!

10 93% agree or strongly agree that communication is occurring clearly and consistently at New GA.

11 New Georgia Elementary School
Q14. I know what is expected of my child academically and how I can help at home, because my child's teacher(s) clearly communicate(s) with me.   New Georgia Elementary School Count % Yes 54 93% No 5 9% Comments 0% Did not answer 1 2%

12 90% feel like they are most or always a partner in their child’s education.

13 New Georgia Elementary School
Q18. In what ways do you prefer to receive communication from your child’s teacher and our school? Please check all that apply.   New Georgia Elementary School Count % School website 21 36% Newsletters 28 48% Phone calls 30 52% Flyers 23 40% 40 69% Text 43 74% Other (Please specify) 0% Did not answer 2 3% Our parents prefer (40) and text messaging (43) DOJO to receive communication from their chiild’s/children’s teacher or school. Website (21), Flyers (23), newsletters (28) and phone calls (30) scored lower.

14 Information that s going home is easy to understand.

15 New Georgia Elementary School
Q20. What is the best time for you to attend school events for parents?   New Georgia Elementary School Count % Mornings 17 29% Afternoons 15 26% Evenings 36 62% Preferred Day/Time (Please specify) 0% Did not answer 1 2% Our parents prefer evening events.


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