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Undulator System Overview

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1 Undulator System Overview
DOE Review of the LCLS Project May 10 – 12, 2005 Stephen Milton Argonne National Laboratory Advanced Photon Source

2 Technical Overview of Scope

3 Overview of Scope: Undulator System
40 total 33 installed 3 operational substitutes on mover/support system ready for swapping 3 undulators and mover support system parts at the ready for installation 1 reference Quadrupoles 34 installed with the installed undulators (38 total) Electromagnetic in design This was a change from permanent magnet quadrupole since the last DOE review Integrated horizontal and vertical corrector magnets in quadrupoles Support system 33 separate supports for the undulator system Change since the last DOE review from 3 support/mover systems with 3 undulators on 1 long granite base New supports possibly extruded aluminum with temperature stabilization using water Support/mover still retains the functionality for 5 degrees of freedom remote, accurate positioning for beam-based alignment Independent remote undulator horizontal positioning for K-tuning and “removal” Check with Marion about the total number of quadrupoles being assembled Check with Sushil about the girder/raft construction method. Al extrusion? Get a picture if possible. Find out the conclusion from the meeting a couple of weeks ago.

4 Overview of Scope: Undulator System
Vacuum System Al on Stainless Steel with a rectangular cross-section for the main chamber in the undulators This was a change from the last DOE review which at that time was Cu with a circular cross-section The chamber is still independent of the undulator to allow for undulator “rollaway” option Between Undulators Circular cross-section (abrupt transition) 22 Short break sections Contains: Quadrupole, BPM, bellows, pump, radiation detector, wire-style beam locator 11 Long break sections Contains room for additional diagnostics: OTR screens, prototype x-ray monitor Don’t forget to highlight the use of the K-tuning to “normalize all breaks

5 Overview of Scope: Undulator System
Primary Diagnostics Beam Position Monitor (BPM) X-band cavity-type BPMs Relies heavily on the accomplishments of the prototype used for linear collider tests SLAC and ANL collaborating with P.Krejcik (SLAC) leading the effort (See his talk in the breakout session) Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) Screens 1 every third undulator 5 micron resolution for observing the beam distribution Wire Scanners Practical use being revisited Might switch to beam locator wires at the upstream end of each undulator Beam Loss Monitors 1 set every undulator Used to protect the undulator from excessive radiation exposure Will probably copy closely what TTF has done Hydrostatic Leveling System 1 micron accuracy To provide vertical positioning information for quadrupoles and undulator Wire Position Monitor To provided horizontal and positioning information for quadrupoles and undulators

6 Overview of Scope: Undulator System
Controls Bob Dalesio (SLAC) directs the overall LCLS Controls effort; therefore, Josh Stein (ANL) will work directly with Bob to ensure a robust integration of the Undulator System controls into the overall LCLS controls system Major Undulator Systems Controls Efforts Precision Mover Motors (ANL) Beam Position Monitors (SLAC/ANL) High-Speed Video System (ANL) Wire Scanner system (ANL) Beam loss monitor system (ANL) Magnet power supplies (SLAC/ANL) Vacuum system (SLAC/ANL) HLS and WPM systems (SLAC)

7 Overview of Scope: Undulator System
Magnet Measurement Facility SLAC responsibility ANL acting in mentor/consulting role Major Pieces of Equipment Precise temperature controlled building +/- 0.1 deg. C in measurement area 7m undulator test bench 4.5m undulator test bench Old bench borrowed from ANL 2 CAM mover systems for undulators 1 (or 2) Capacitive sensor systems for undulator mechanical alignment 1 (or 2) Coil (wire) systems for field integral measurements Hall probe calibration system "Pointed magnet" calibration system (for undulator fiducialization) Quadrupole fiducialization system Quadrupole strength and harmonics measurement system Coordinate measurement machine

8 Undulator System Overview

9 LCLS Magnet Measurements Facility
Construction Schedule Construction to start soon Beneficial Occupancy Early Calendar Year 2006 Provided by R. Ruland

10 Major Accomplishment, Progress, Decisions

11 Accomplishments, Progress, Decisions
Management New People Geoff Pile (ANL), ANL LCLS Chief Engineer Brad Youngman (SLAC), Undulator Integration Engineer Sushil Shama (ANL), ANL Mechanical Engineer, Fixed Supports Horst Friedsam (ANL), ANL/SLAC Survey and Alignment Liaison Joe Ingraffia (ANL), ANL Procurement Tom Barsz (ANL), ANL Quality Assurance

12 Accomplishments, Progress, Decisions
Magnets and Supports Undulator Long-Lead Procurements 2 awarded Strongback Magnet Poles Last one in the remaining stages of the procurement process Undulator motion/support system test bed constructed and under test Quadrupoles Decision to go to electromagnets with integral correctors Engineering design well progressing well Supports Assigned an experienced mechanical engineer to the fixed support system Plan to move away from granite holding 3 undulators to a short, compact, robust support system

13 Accomplishments, Progress, Decisions
Vacuum System AC Conductivity Issue Calculations show that the field from the wall currents induced by the electron beam in the walls of the originally planned copper chamber would conspire to degrade the FEL performance Calculations also showed that aluminum would perform better than copper and that a flat cross-section would also reduce the AC conductivity term Tests were performed to validate these calculations We have switched to an aluminum coated stainless steel chamber This has set us back in our schedule, but the chamber is still not on the critical path New chamber design Progressing well Initial short test samples constructed Checking, among other thing, relative permeability after bending, welding, and annealing Transitions and Wakefields Tapers will not help unless extremely long Bunch length is too short We plan to use abrupt transitions an minimize the number of these Calculations show this to be OK

14 Accomplishments, Progress, Decisions
Primary Diagnostics RF BPMs A SLAC/ANL working group has been organized Have chosen X-band over C-band Planning on prototype tests of a complete system within a year OTR Screens Design complete Prototype under construction Wire monitor Design near complete Need to finalize wire card We are presently reconsidering our use of this Other diagnostics Plan shows work to start on these soon

15 Accomplishments, Progress, Decisions
Controls (ANL Component) Cable layout and room data requirements have been transmitted to SLAC Video System Full frame data acquisition and control of the cameras has been demonstrated to 15 Hz Demonstration of higher rates is planned in the near future Precision Motion Controls System for the Undulator Control has been demonstrated, but not yet interfaced to EPICS

16 Accomplishments, Progress, Decisions
Magnet Measurement Facility Construction of the MMF to begin soon The procurement process has begun for some of the key items The CMM RFP Issued The 7.5-m bench Evaluating RFP responses See R. Ruland’s talk for more details

17 Accomplishments, Progress, Decisions
Requirements/Desires Keep heat sources out of the tunnel Keep cable lengths to less than 150’ Provide for convenient service and maintenance for all electronics Equipment Halls Additional Hole for future extension if needed Maximum Cable Length < 150’ 6 Undulators served per drill hole

18 Undulator System Project Information

19 Costs and Cost Breakdown
$48.6 M TEC

20 Costs and Cost Breakdown

21 Summary Schedule

22 Summary Milestones

23 Long-Lead Procurements

24 Undulator LLP: Ti Strongback
Status Two Vendors Chosen Awards Made Based on cost to pre qualified vendors Cost higher than expected due to very rapid increase in cost of metal commodities over the last couple of years Planned cost: $2.1M Awarded cost: $3.2M Need planned and awarded costs from Marion

25 Undulator LLP: Magnet Poles
Status One Vendor Chosen Based on cost from pre qualified vendors This vendor also had experience Cost came is less than what we originally estimated Due to simplification of the pole design No ears Planned Cost: $1.4M Awarded Cost: $0.9M

26 Undulator LLP: Magnet Blocks
Status Proposals have been received Negotiations are in progress Award to be made soon

27 Undulator LLP: Magnet Measurement Facility
Status Construction to begin soon Large purchases in various stages of progress See R. Ruland’s talk for more information

28 Responses to Recommendations

29 Response to Recommendations
Expedite acquisition of article 1. This will allow for early contact with assembly vendors, the opportunity to incorporate corrections in assembly based upon magnetic measurements, and early commissioning of the magnetic measurement facility at SLAC. This should occur early in FY05 to allow delivery by end of FY05. Agreed. As stated during the review, by going forward with the acquisition of the 1st article undulator during FY05 we can significantly reduce the risk to the delivery of the undulator. Through the use of a BCR the LCLS Undulator team has incorporated this revised plan into the project schedule.

30 Response to Recommendations
Expedite system integration design/plan of a full module over the next year. The system integration plan currently assumes that the undulator design is essentially frozen. Other components must accommodate fit around it. The vacuum chamber is the most significant component affecting system integration. A complete module should be assembled before procurement of the vacuum system is initiated. This needs to occur within FY05 to accommodate the planned FY06 production. Agreed. A plan for testing prototype undulator systems has been integrated into this WBS. Due to the continuing resolution the dates for the initial single undulator integration test will occur in early FY06 and not FY05 as originally hope for.

31 Response to Recommendations
Finalize choice of quadrupole type. This needs to occur by the end of FY04, or very early in FY05, in order to accommodate required facilities changes. Electromagnetic quadrupoles have been chosen as the baseline design for the undulator system. The exact performance specifications for the electromagnetic quads are defined and documented in the revised PRD “General Undulator System Requirements”.

32 Response to Recommendations
Incorporate stretched wire based field integral measurements for each article in magnetic measurement plan. Following the recommendation of the committee, stretched-wire-like field integral measurement capability will be available in the magnet measurement facility.

33 Response to Recommendations
Make sure that experience in magnetic measurements of first articles is incorporated into necessary modifications of assembly procedures. Agreed.

34 6 Month Look Ahead BPM System OTR Wire Scanner Support/Mover System
Build cold test prototype x-band beam detector Design receiver boards OTR Assemble and Test Prototype Wire Scanner Support/Mover System 1st Article Undulators Maybe receive 1st articles from assembly vendors Fixed Supports Finalize design and begin procurement for testing Vacuum Chamber Finalize testing of construction methods Start building prototype MMF Construction over ½ complete

35 Summary Management Undulator Diagnostics Vacuum System Controls
Ramp up of people nearly complete Good clear interface between SLAC and ANL established at all critical points Undulator LLP for undulator nearly complete Now waiting for start of deliveries Support mover system design work progressing as planned Diagnostics Critical diagnostics work progressing well Vacuum System Switched from copper to aluminum on stainless steel due to AC conductivity issues Caused some delay to this system but not to the project Controls Interface (roles and responsibilities) between SLAC and ANL understood Work progressing well on the video and mover systems Magnet Measurement Facility Construction to start soon

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