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Facilitating Business Investment in the United States

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1 Facilitating Business Investment in the United States
Explore USA Conference, April 9, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria Dr. Jana Dorband U.S. Embassy Berlin / SelectUSA

2 About SelectUSA SelectUSA’s mission is to promote and facilitate business investment in the United States. We are the single point of contact at the national level for international firms expanding to the United States. Our Clients Existing and Potential Investors U.S. Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) Our Impact SelectUSA is part of the International Trade Administration in the U.S. Department of Commerce. As the only national-level investment promotion program in the United States, SelectUSA promotes and facilitates high-impact business investment to advance U.S. economic growth, job creation, and innovation. As many of you know, we work directly with foreign firms, but we also work with economic development organizations to help attract investment. Since its inception, SelectUSA has facilitated over $27 billion in client verified investment, supporting thousands of U.S. jobs across the United States.

3 SelectUSA Services for Firms
Actionable information on business investment in the united states and developing an FDI strategy. Platform for connections that will provide in-depth, on-the-ground expertise and guidance at a local level. Navigating the federal system to help with questions or concerns about U.S. federal rules and regulations. I’d like to briefly cover SelectUSA’s services for EDOs. Information and counseling Ombudsman assistance Advocacy Marketing and promotion

4 Largest and Fastest Growing
Japan is the 3rd largest source of investment in the United States. Here we can see the important role that Japan plays relative to other markets. Japan is one of leading sources of FDI in the United States, with the stock of reaching $424.3 billion in 2016, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. UBO refers to Ultimate Beneficial Owner. CAGR refers to Compound Annual Growth Rate. Fastest-Growing Sources of FDI ranks markets with 2016 FDI stock in the United States greater than $1 billion.

5 FDI in the United States by Industry
Breakout of $4.0 Trillion Inward Position 2004 FDI in the United States

6 FDI Benefits the U.S. Economy
#1 Nearly a Quarter of U.S. Exports More Than 13 Million U.S. Jobs Average Annual Compensation $79,040 R&D Investments The United States is home to more foreign direct investment than anywhere else in the world In 2015, U.S. subsidiaries of foreign-owned firms accounted for nearly 1/4 of all U.S. goods exports In 2015, subsidiaries directly employed 6.8 million U.S. workers (plus 6.6 million indirectly) In 2015, subsidiaries paid wages that averaged more than $79,000 (as opposed to the national average of $63,585) In 2015, subsidiaries spent $57 billion in research and development in the United States Example of positive messaging for EDOs about why FDI matters For the economic developers here, we all know and understand why FDI matters to our communities. SelectUSA usually articulates these high level statistics to help you reinforce why gatherings like today’s are so important in fostering and strengthening connections with the international business community. Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis – FDI by majority foreign-owned firms, UNCTADStat

7 Why Firms Invest in the United States
There are a number of reasons why firms choose the United States, and many of these factors ring true of firm conducting manufacturing activities in the United States. The reason that we are here today is to learn about why Japanese firms invest in the United States. Before we get to JETRO’s findings, I want to share a little bit of information to set the scene before I give you brief insight into how SelectUSA works with firms.

8 Services for International Companies
All SelectUSA services are business confidential. Actionable Information SelectUSA works closely with firms in three specific ways: Actionable Information  For firms, SelectUSA provides information on business considerations for expanding to the United States; plus counseling and customized reports on industry clusters, supply chains, workforce availability, operating costs, infrastructure and logistics, regulations, federal and state resources, and other topics, to support decision-making. A Platform for Connections  Through events, referrals, and client counseling, we connect firms to EDOs, and provide EDOs with platforms to market their locations, reach out to firms, and develop investment leads. Navigating the Federal System Firms often have questions or concerns about U.S. federal rules and regulations. SelectUSA can help navigate the federal system to provide clarity, offering one-stop assistance with federal agencies, particularly through the IIWG. To learn more about our services for companies, visit: Platform for Connections Navigating the Federal System

9 Services for Investors
ACTIONABLE INFORMATION on foreign direct investment in the United States. Information about the U.S. market and how to open a business in the United States Counseling and customized reports on industry clusters, supply chains, workforce availability, operating costs, infrastructure and logistics, regulations, and federal and state resources for businesses to support companies’ decision-making process Using objective data, SelectUSA answers questions to help firms make decisions about where to invest in the United States. The goal can range from helping firms understand the opportunity available for their firm to helping them compare several locations. The question we most often hear from firms looking at the U.S. market is “where should I go?” Please note that SelectUSA is geographically neutral, meaning that we work with a company to understand what unique criteria matter most to their firm and project. In order to uncover this information, we ask the company questions such as: How would you prioritize your business expansion needs from first to last? This will help the EDOs understand how to objectively match your needs – here are a few that may matter, but are by no means, an exhaustive list. Current U.S. sales/customers – do you need to be located close to customers? Land costs Transportation of product Access to the right talent pool Affordable cost of living Quality of life for employees What is the size and scale or the project? Size of site or rental location Capex Jobs Do you have any upcoming U.S. visits planned? What is your timeline for making a decision?

10 Actionable Information - Data Tools
FDI Fact Sheets Original FDI Reports SelectUSA Stats

11 Actionable Information – Research and Analysis

12 Services for Investors
Platform for Connections that will provide in-depth, on-the-ground expertise and guidance at a local level. Direct introductions and networking opportunities with the states to assist with site selection, permitting, workforce training partnerships, incentives, and other “last mile” delivery of services to investors Platform for Connections Many people this of this service as hosting events that allow companies to directly connect with EDOs. This is a small component of this service, but the service is much broader and more comprehensive. As we work with companies, we help them understand the U.S. landscape and that working with state and local EDOs can really feel like you’re working with 50+ different individual countries. A large component of this service is helping companies understand U.S. federalism and anticipate considerations and conversation as they move a project forward. As companies narrow down their list of locations, we help provide connections to state and local EDOs and ensure the company feels supported. For example, once a company has narrowed down their choices to a short list of states or locations, we offer to make introductions to carry the project forward. We defer to the company for when they are ready to interact directly with an EDO. Some companies will want to be immediately connected with EDOs, and some companies will want to maintain their privacy. At the end of the day, our role be responsive to the needs of the client.

13 Services for Investors
NAVIGATING THE FEDERAL SYSTEM to help with questions or concerns about U.S. federal rules and regulations. Break through the complexities of federal regulations to assist business decision-making One-stop assistance connecting EDOs and investors with officials at federal agencies to address questions and concerns Navigating the Federal System As an investment project progresses, there may be rules or regulations that play in an investment

14 2018 SelectUSA Investment Summit
The Investment Summit connects qualified companies with U.S. economic development organizations to facilitate business investment and job creation.

15 Connecting Business Potential with Business Opportunity
The 2019 SelectUSA Investment Summit will feature: Expanded exhibit hall hours for networking. Increased time for one-on-one meetings. SelectUSA Tech programming and networking for early stage and startup companies to engage more deeply. An Industry Pavilion featuring industry association representatives. Expanded Investment Academy including “state of the industry” presentations Industry reports prepared for potential investors who apply by April 1. Improved conference app that enhances matchmaking and social media engagement. More robust Summit spinoff programs taking international businesses to locations across the U.S. to advance FDI objectives. Increased Summit stakeholder engagement in the development of Summit content through Call for Proposals and Spinoffs.

16 2019 Investment Summit Spinoff Events
Albuquerque, New Mexico - Business and Professional Services, Value Added Agriculture and Manufacturing Wilmington, Delaware - Agribusiness, Distribution and Logistics, Financial Services Alexandria & Arlington, Virginia -Aerospace and Defense, Business and Professional Services, ICT, Non-Profits and Associations Los Angeles, California - Environmental and Technology, Financial Services, Media and, Entertainment, Technology Blacksburg, Virginia - Agribusiness, Food and Beverage Multiple Locations, Maryland - Aerospace and Defense, Healthcare, Information and Communication Technology Columbia, South Carolina -Agribusiness, Food and Beverage Portland, Oregon - Agribusiness, Design and Construction, Equipment and Machinery, Food and Beverage, Industrial Materials, Information and Communication Technology Columbus and Dayton, Ohio - Automotive, Distribution and Logistics, Information and Communication Technology Prince George’s County, Maryland - Multiple Industries Dallas, Texas - Multiple Industries Raleigh, North Carolina - Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Healthcare, Textiles and Apparel Detroit, Michigan - Automotive, Energy, Food and Beverage, Information and Communication Technology Richmond, Virginia - Chemicals, Equipment and Machinery, Food and Beverage Fairfax County, Virginia - Aerospace and Defense, Business and Professional Services, Education, Healthcare, Information and Communication Technology Saint Paul, Minnesota - Agribusiness, Environmental Technology, Food and Beverage Fayetteville, North Carolina - Aerospace and Defense, Information and Communication Technology Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands - Distribution and Logistics, Energy, Travel and Tourism Indianapolis, Indiana - Aerospace and Defense, Agribusiness, Automotive, Distribution and Logistics, Healthcare, Technology Innovation San Francisco, California - Environmental Technology, Information and Communication, Travel and Tourism Jersey City and Newark, New Jersey - Multiple Industries Wheeling, West Virginia - Chemicals, Energy, Industrial Materials, SelectUSA has partnered with U.S. economic development organizations (EDOs) across the United States to plan and promote Spinoff events providing firsthand exposure to business opportunities. These events will take place either directly before or after the 2019 SelectUSA Investment Summit in dozens of U.S. locations. SelectUSA has partnered with economic development organizations (EDOs) across the United States to plan and promote Summit Spinoff events. These events will take place either directly before or after the 2018 SelectUSA Investment Summit in dozens of U.S. locations. We are encouraging all visiting foreign business delegations to extend their stay in the United States and connect directly with business leaders and local experts while exploring promising investment opportunities. The SelectUSA team and the local USEAC teams have reviewed and approved the events listed to be promoted as 2018 Summit Spinoffs. The team reviewed to ensure that the locality is capable of producing a high-quality event, the event and industry are of a high priority for the Summit client audience, and the event fits with the objectives of the Summit and the ITA/GM/SelectUSA mission.

17 Thank You Dr. Jana Dorband Senior Investment Specialist, SelectUSA
U.S. Embassy Berlin, Germany

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