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Transitional Healthcare Benefit/TRICARE

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1 Transitional Healthcare Benefit/TRICARE
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2 Purpose TO ensure eligible Transitioning Service Members (TSM’s) are aware of the Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) that can provide them with TRICARE like benefits for up to 180 days.

3 Transitional Health Care
The TAMP offers TRICARE-like benefits to SVM’s and eligible family members to enroll into TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) or other medical insurance programs. SVM’s will pay quarterly premiums and deductibles. When SVM’s leave active-duty, they are eligible for TAMP.

4 Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the 180 day TAMP benefits, you must be: InvolSep from active-duty with an appropriate SPD code. Reservist separated from active-duty after serving 30 days boots on ground. Separated from active duty after being involuntarily retained for operational support.

5 Eligibility Requirements (Cont’d)
Separated form military service following a voluntary agreement to remain a year or less. Sole survivorship discharge. Separated from active-duty with agreement to be an affiliate of the Ready Reserve or Reserve component. (Must work with Reserve command for this benefit)

6 Dental Coverage During TAMP, dental care in military facilities is on a Space-A basis. The VA provides a one-time dental treatment for Veterans who apply within 180 days of separation. SVM’s will not receive dental care if final treatment was within 90 days prior to separation.

7 Health Insurance Marketplace
If the TSM is enrolled in TRICARE or the Veteran’s Health Care Program, they are considered covered under the law. If you are a Veteran who is not medically covered, coverage can be obtained through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

8 Medical Care for Retirees
If you retire from active-duty, or if in a reserve component and turn 60, TRICARE benefits begin the day you retire. Requests to enroll in retiree qualifying TRICARE needs to be submitted 90 days prior to retirement date.

9 Coverage Options TRICARE Prime TRICARE Select
US Family Health Plan (USFHP) TRICARE Young Adult (TYA) TRICARE for Life

10 Survivors of Active Duty Service Members
TRICARE continues to provide coverage for family members when a sponsor dies. Plan options will vary based on: Sponsor’s military status. If the surviving member is a spouse or child. Spouses remain eligible unless they remarry.

11 Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP)
Temporary coverage for months after TRICARE eligibility is lost. Acts as a bridge between TRICARE and civilian coverage. If you qualify, must be purchased within 60 days of the loss of TRICARE eligibility.

12 Resources TRICARE:
TRICARE Changes: TYA: Survivor Benefits: CHCPC: cbp

13 Resources (Cont’d) Fleet and Family Support Center
Marketplace Health Coverage: Marketplace Call Center: Humana at Humana Healthcare Services, Inc., Attn: CHCBP, P.O. Box , Louisville, KY , or call

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