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Therapeutic Exercises RC- STD. 17

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1 Therapeutic Exercises RC- STD. 17

2 Standard 17 List and define goals, indications, contraindications, and various techniques of therapeutic exercise, including both general and specific exercise regimes relative to treatment of soft tissue, bony, neurological disorders/diseases, and post-surgical complications.

3 To Use or Not to Use… Indications are any signs/symptoms that support the use of certain therapeutic exercises or modalities- no further harm will come Contraindications are any signs/symptoms that do NOT support the use of certain therapeutic exercises or modalities due to the increased chance of further harm

4 Therapeutic Exercises
Goal is to return injured athlete to pain-free full function participation. Areas of Focus: Pain Modulation Muscular Strength Normal ROM Endurance Kinematics Coordination Flexibility Power

5 Rehabilitation Areas Psychological Physical Emotional Social

6 Kubler-Ross Emotional Stages
Denial Isolation Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance

7 Goal Setting Specific and measurable Positive rather than negative
Challenging yet realistic Established time table for completion Integration of short- intermediate- and long term goals Personalized and internalized Monitored and evaluated LINKED TO LIFE GOALS!!!

8 Factors that Inhibit Progress
Lack of Knowledge Lack of Skill Lack of Risk-Taking Ability Lack of Social Support

9 Psychological Influences
Confidence Motivation Anxiety Focus Management of Pain

10 Rehabilitation Guidelines
Intensity Duration Frequency Specificity Speed Progression

11 Soft Tissue Injuries Exercises and Treatments: Stretching Massage
Passive ROM, Active ROM Electrical stimulation Ultrasound Cryotherapy Thermotherapy

12 Bony Injuries Exercises and Treatments: Stretching PROM, AROM
Cryotherapy Thermotherapy Contrast Bath

13 Neurological Disorders/Diseases
Exercises and Treatments: Stretching Massage PROM, AROM Cryotherapy (dependent on D/Dx) Thermotherapy (dependent on D/Dx)

14 Post-Surgical Complications
Exercises and Treatments: Inflammation/Swelling: Cryotherapy, Stretching, PROM, AROM Scar Tissue: Massage, E-stim, Ultrasound Infection: Antibiotics, no further treatment until release by Dr.


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