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Module 9 Unit 2.

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1 Module 9 Unit 2


3 Guess, guess: They are very big and tall. They drink water.
They eat grass and leaves. leaves a leaf leaves

4 Guess, guess They have strong back legs. back legs They can jump high.
They live in Australia

5 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 kangaroos special bag


7 1. Kangaroos live in Australia. ( ) √
Yes or No: 1. Kangaroos live in Australia ( ) 2. They jump on three legs. ( ) ×

8 3. The mother kangaroo has a special bag for her baby. ( )
Yes or No: 3. The mother kangaroo has a special bag for her baby ( ) 4. They drink water. ( )

9 × 5. Kangaroos eat meat. ( ) 6. You can see kangaroos in schools. ×
Yes or No: 5. Kangaroos eat meat. ( ) × 6. You can see kangaroos in schools. ( ) ×

10 1. Where do the kangaroos live?
Answer the questions: 1. Where do the kangaroos live? They live in Australia. 2. What colour are they? They are brown. 3. What do they have? They have special bags for the babies.

11 Answer the questions: 4. What do they eat? They eat grass and leaves.
5. What do they drink? They drink water. 6. What can they do? They can jump high.


13 Let's make a riddle They are__________ They have__________
They can____________ They eat_____________ They drink____________ They live in____________. What are they?

14 Animals are man's best friends

15 back legs fore legs

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