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Speaker Comparative Essay

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1 Speaker Comparative Essay
Senior English Paper Speaker Comparative Essay

2 Thesis Statement Components
Argument Must be debatable Must be able to be supported with QUOTES Specific Argument Detail How? Why? Argument Depth So what? For a comparative analysis, this is often the purpose of the comparison—what did it affect?

3 Thesis-making research tips!
Proquest! Start with the name Click “Full text” Note number of hits Skim for impact

4 Thesis-making research tips!
Narrow by source, skim for impact again Books Newspaper editorials Look, I found an impact!

5 Thesis-making research tips!
Narrow by search terms Keep trying new terms

6 Remember that you have to prove the speakers’ impact(s).

7 Consider this: Your thesis will probably do one of these two things, generally: Prove that similar speaking characteristics lead to surprisingly different, specific impacts Prove that specific speaking differences surprisingly lead to similar impacts.

8 Progress Check, note card, name on top-left
Who are your chosen speakers? Why did you pick those speakers? How much time have you spent researching or thinking about the paper so far? We have two days of class time this week. That’s a lot (for me to give you and not get in trouble). I can’t give any more. What else can I do?

9 Thesis Examples Does Not Meet Standard Approaches Standard
Franklin’s and Jefferson’s speeches are very different; however, there are also many similarities between them. Approaches Standard Franklin and Jefferson both ask society to create a government that reflects their different societal expectations. Exceeds Standard Analysis of the syntax of Franklin’s and Jefferson’s manifestos reveal the ethical chasm between a society with admirable democratic freedoms and a society oppressed by authoritarian rule.






15 Thesis Note Card Name on top left Thesis

16 Please sit with your partner.
Grab a note card; write your name on top left and thesis statement for comparative speaker essay on the right.

17 Thesis Note Card Name on top left Improved Thesis
Switch with partners Then mark it up Get it back. Consider edits. Write a revised version on the back. TURN IT IN!!!!

18 Outline Reminders OUTLINE MUST BE A 3- PART (3 Body Theses) & 4-LEVEL OUTLINE (I, A, 1, a) WORKING THESIS: Must be included on top of outline Body thesis- Must be an argument and complete sentence A. Evidence 1. Analysis a. Connective commentary B. Evidence a. Connective commentary

19 Comparative Paper Approach
Thematic Approach Holistic Approach Each BT addresses a different “tool” (syntax, rhetorical device, etc.) Both comparative elements are analyzed with each theme Both similarities and differences are also discussed within each theme Entire paper is looked at for comparative elements Holistic Approach 1 ~ BT #1 Element 1 ~ BT #2 Element 2 ~ BT #3 Comp. Analysis Holistic Approach 2 ~ BT #1 Similarities ~ BT #2 Differences ~ BT #3 Comp. Significance

20 Basic Writing Reminders
DO ~ Integrate Quotes ~ Use Active Verbs ~ Use Strong Transitions ~ Use correct pgrph. Breaks - Not a 5-paragraph essay ~ Use analysis to explain the effect of “the how” ~ Use MLA in all cases ~ Cite paraphrases and quotes DON’T ~ Just summarize content ~ Use 1st or 2nd person ~ Switch tenses unless appropriate ~ Use formulaic transitions ~ Use nondescript quotes ~ Use analysis to repeat ~ Add spaces btwn. pgrphs.

21 Comparative Specific Reminders
You MUST use quotes from the speech or piece of writing If you are using a live speech, look for a transcript of it Base argument of thesis must be comparative in nature This means you have to address why the method of language affects the delivery of the content

22 Quote/Specific Detail Support
Use quotes as your concrete support. You should use very specific detail support when comparing how delivery is affected. Do not use quotes just for the sake of quoting; they must add to the support of your argument. You may have to adjust tense or point of view to make it fluent.

23 Tense When writing about speeches, letters, etc. (“I have a Dream” or Common Sense) you should always use present tense. (i.e. Paine uses short sentences to…) When writing about history (WWII, Civil Rights) you must write in past tense. (i.e. The British government failed to recognize the rights of the people, so Paine uses syntax to…)

24 Key Reminders You must cite EVERYTHING!!!!
You should only focus on two-four speeches/pieces of writing, one-two per author/speaker. Failure to include in-text citations or Works Cited will result in a 0

25 Basic Paper Format 4-6 complete pages + Works Cited In-text citations
One-inch margins* Times 12 pt. font* Double spaced (No extra spaces anywhere)* Heading (Name, Matheny, class, due date) Header (Last name pg. #) (Set in page numbering, not as a header) Title * Not Word Default

26 Introduction Components
Hook Integrated Quote Anecdote Interesting Historical/ Literary Content DO NOT START YOUR PAPER WITH QUESTION Topical Introductory Content You should be introducing the reader to the topic and the topic’s context. Well-developed Thesis Statement

27 Thesis/BT relation There must be a clear connection between each Body Thesis and your Main Thesis. Your Body Theses are the main points you are using to PROVE YOUR MAIN THESIS. Any weakness in your BODY THESES is a weakness in your entire paper

28 Paragraph Breakdown & Topic Sentences
Each BT in your paper WILL NOT BE A SINGLE PARAGRAPH!!!!!! Instead each BT will lead into a multi-paragraph section of your paper. Each paragraph that does not have a BT must have a clearly developed Topic Sentence.

29 Commentary/Analysis Commentary/Analysis is key to a comparative analysis paper. It has several functions. Explains concrete specific details when they are unclear. DON’T RESTATE THE OBVIOUS. Draws analytical conclusions about concrete specific details. BE CAREFUL NOT TO MAKE TOO BIG OF LEAPS. (This is where you can address the ability to deliver ethos, pathos, or logos. ) Draws connections from concrete specific details to both BTs & MTs. CONNECTIONS SHOULD BE LOGICAL & WELL-DEVELOPED. AVOID REPETITIVE CONNECTIVE COMMENTARY.

30 Transitions You need to use transitions
BETWEEN SENTENCES AND PARAGRAPHS Avoid formulaic sentence transitions. Don’t repeat same transitions in each paragraph EX- First, Second, Lastly, This shows that, etc. Use varying transition types

31 Conclusion Development
A conclusion should… stress the importance of the thesis statement emphasize the so what? component give the essay a sense of completeness leave a final impression on the reader.

32 In-Text Citations Follow MLA format in ALL CASES!!!!
Parenthetical Format (Speaker Last Name Pg.#) EXAMPLE (Smith 145) If there is no author, USE FIRST KEY WORD. EXAMPLE (“American” 345) If from internet site without pg. #s, DO NOT PUT ANYTHING. EXAMPLE (Smith) OR (“American”) You may also need to cite by time elapsed instead of a page number. (Obama 1:25) Cite all PARAPHRASES & QUOTES

33 Citations Speaker Last Name, First. “Speech Title.” Website or News Program. Date Aired. Web. DOA. Speaker Last Name, First. “Speech Title.” Website or News Program. Date Aired. Transcript. DOA. (King- Web) (King- Transcript)

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