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All About Teeth Kelsey Bridges.

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Presentation on theme: "All About Teeth Kelsey Bridges."— Presentation transcript:

1 All About Teeth Kelsey Bridges

2 Tooth Main Menu Tooth Vocabulary and Tooth Structure
Dental Diseases and Pictures My Teeth Brushing Flossing Games Healthy Smiles

3 Click On a Word to Learn More About the Structure
Main Menu

4 Enamel Enamel is the outer layer of the exposed tooth. It is a hard thin translucent layer of calcified substance that envelops and protects the dentin (the main portion of the tooth structure) of the crown of the tooth. A hard coating on teeth which helps protect them. Tooth enamel under microscope Tooth enamel from the outside Main Menu Go back to the tooth structure.

5 Dentine A calcareous material harder and denser than bone that comprises the bulk of a tooth. Bone (calcified tissue) surrounding the pulp cavity of a tooth. Microscopic view of Tooth dentine Yellow part is the dentine directly Under the tooth enamel Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

6 Pulp The tissue in the central portion of the tooth, made up of
blood vessels, nerves, and cellular elements, including odontoblasts, that forms dentin and is covered by it. Also called tooth pulp. Microscopic View of Pulp The red is the tooth pulp Main Menu Back to the tooth Structure

7 Gum (Gingiva) The fleshy covering over the mandible and maxilla through which the teeth protrude within the mouth; also called the gum. Microscopic view of Gum Different Stages of Gums Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

8 Bone The bone of the jaw that keeps the tooth in its place, it feeds and protects it. Bone of the mouth that surrounds the teeth. Microscopic view of bone Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

9 Periodontal Membrane The tissue between the cementum and the alveolar bone. It consists of tough little elastic fibers that keep the tooth attached to the jaw.  Periodontal membrane surrounds the tooth Microscopic view of the periodontal membrane Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

10 Cementum It is the part of tooth anatomy that covers the dentine outside of the root (under the gum line) and it is attached to the bone of the jaw with little elastic fibers. Cementum is hard as bone but not as hard as the tooth enamel.  Microscopic view of the cementum The yellow part is the cementum Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

11 Root Canal The extension of the pulp within the root of the tooth .The root canal connects with the surrounding tissue The yellow part is the root canal Microscopic view of the root canal Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

12 Opening at the tip of the root
This is an opening in the cementum through which the tooth’s nerve supply and blood supply enter the pulp from the surrounding tissue. Microscopic view of the opening of the tip of the root The black circles on the bottom are the openings Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

13 Root The region of the tooth that is below the gum
Microscopic view of the root Roots and Root replacements Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

14 The neck starts from the gum and goes almost to the tip.
The region of the tooth that is at the gum line, between the root and the crown. The neck starts from the gum and goes almost to the tip. Main Menu Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

15 The part of the tooth that is visible above the gum (gingiva).
Crown The part of the tooth that is visible above the gum (gingiva). Number one is the crown Main Menu Back to the tooth structure

16 Dental Disease and Problems
Dental Plaque-is a sticky, soft and colorless film of bacteria that constantly builds up on the surfaces of teeth and gums.  Dental Tartar -is a yellow or brown layer of mineral deposits on the teeth surface created by hardened dental plaque. Tooth Scaling-is the procedure of scraping away the bacterial plaque and dental calculus(tartar) from the surfaces of the tooth, especially from the root surfaces below the gum line. Tooth Decay- one of the most common human diseases. Main cause of dental caries is the loss of minerals from the tooth enamel due to the action of acids produced by dental plaque.  Dry Mouth-is a condition where the mouth becomes very dry, because of not having enough saliva to keep the mouth wet. Dry mouth is a result of reduced flow of saliva due to decreased secretion from the salivary glands.  Bad Breath-is the condition when breath has an unpleasant odor. Halitosis is an embarrassing social problem more than it is a dental health problem.  Stained Teeth- a very common dental problem that makes a lot of people to feel uncomfortable when they have to talk or smile, due to the color of their teeth. Orthodontic Problems -Some examples of these problems are crowded teeth, extra teeth, missing teeth or jaws that are out of alignment.  Main Menu Continue

17 Dental Diseases and Problems Continued
Canker Sores-a shallow, painful, open sore in the mouth. They usually appear on the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, soft palate, the base of the gums and on or under the tongue. Canker sores can be very painful and they can make eating and talking uncomfortable. Gingivitis- the inflammation of the gums characterized by redness, swelling, and sometimes bleeding during brushing. Periodontitis-Plaque bacteria start to penetrate between the teeth and gums. The environment becomes suitable for the establishment of anaerobic bacteria under the receding gums. Gingival pockets are formed below the gum line Bruxism -the medical term for teeth grinding and teeth clenching, and involves any type of forceful contact between the teeth.  Dental Abscess-a painful infection characterized by a collection of pus at the root of a tooth or at the area between the gums and a tooth.  Root Canal Treatment-involves the removal of the infected pulp tissues and nerve of the tooth, the cleaning and shaping of the pulp chamber and root canals, and finally the filling and sealing of the tooth. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ -involve the jaw, jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and movement of the jaw, and they can result in acute or chronic facial pain. Main Menu Continue

18 Dental Problems Pictures
Main Menu Dental Problems Pictures Gingivitis Periodontitis Tooth Decay Braces Canker Sore Dental Plaque Stained Teeth

19 My Teeth There are four different types of teeth in the mouth of an adult human. The complete number of teeth an adult person has is 32 teeth. Main Menu Continue Molars, Premolars, Canines, and Incisors

20 Different Types of Teeth
INCISORS or Cutting teeth   - The 8 incisors are the very front human teeth with rather flat surfaces, a straight sharp horizontal edge for cutting and biting the food and one long, single, conical root. CANINE teeth   - The 4 canine teeth are very strong, pointed corner teeth for tearing and shredding, placed laterally to each lateral incisor. They are larger and stronger than the incisors.  Sometimes called eyeteeth. PREMOLARS or Bicuspid teeth   - The 8 premolars, used for the chewing of the food, are placed lateral to and behind the canine teeth, with a flat upper surface and 1-2 roots. Their crown has two pyramidal eminences or cusps. MOLARS or Molar teeth   - The 12 molars are the back human teeth. Molar teeth have a much different tooth morphology with large and flat upper surface and 2-4 roots. Molars is the one of types of teeth with the largest of the permanent teeth, used for the final chewing and grinding of the food before swallowing Main Menu

21 Brushing My Teeth Correctly
1. Place your toothbrush next to the teeth so that it rests on the gum line (the point where the teeth and the gums meet) ,forming a 45 degrees angle against teeth and gums. 2. Move the toothbrush from the gums towards the edge of teeth to move the dental plaque away from the gum line 3. Move the brush back and forth gently in short (1½ tooth wide) strokes. 4. After brushing, one by one tooth, all the outer teeth surfaces do the same for the inner surfaces. 5. Brush the chewing surfaces of the teeth with horizontal moves. 6. Spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash. 7. During tooth brushing give special attention to the area of the gum line where gum disease starts and to the back molars where it is easier for bacteria to hide. Main Menu Continue

22 Follow Images To Correctly Brush Your Teeth
previous Main Menu

23 Brushing Videos and Games
Learn to Brush by Playing Games Watch Video To Learn How to Brush Your Teeth Main Menu

24 How to Floss Properly Starting with about 18 inches of floss, wind most of the floss around each middle finger, leaving an inch or two of floss to work with Holding the floss tautly between your thumbs and index fingers, slide it gently up-and-down between your teeth Gently curve the floss around the base of each tooth, making sure you go beneath the gum line. Never snap or force the floss, as this may cut or bruise delicate gum tissue Use clean sections of floss as you move from tooth to tooth To remove the floss, use the same back-and-forth motion to bring the floss up and away from the teeth Main Menu Continue

25 Flossing Videos and Games
How to Floss video Main Menu

26 Many Games to Play to Learn All About Teeth
Multiple Games click here to explore the website and play Main Menu

27 Brush At Least Twice a Day and Floss Daily for a Healthy Smile
Main Menu

28 Credits Tooth Structure Picture (Slide 3)
Definition of Enamel (Slide 4) Definition of dentine (Slide 5) Dentine Picture (Slide 5) Dentine Picture 2 (Slide 5) Definition of Pulp (Slide 6) Picture of pulp (Slide 6) Picture of Pulp (Slide 6) Definition of Gum ( Slide 7) Picture of gum (Slide 7) Definition of Bone (Slide 8) Picture of bone (Slide 8) Pictures of Bone (Slide 8) Definition of Periodontal Membrane (Slide 9) Picture of periodontal membrane(Slide 9) Picture of periodontal membrane (Slide 9) Definition of Cementum (Slide 10) Picture of Cementum (slide 10) Picture of Cementum (Slide 10) Definition of Root Canal (Slide 11) Root canal picture (Slide 11) Picture of Root canal (Slide 11) Definition of Opening at the tip of the root (Slide 12) Picture of the opening at the root (slide 12) Picture of the opening of the root tip (slide 12) Definition of Root (Slide 13) Picture of Root (slide 13) Definition of Neck (Slide 14) Picture of Neck (Slide 14) Definition of Crown (Slide 15) Picture of the crown (slide 15)

29 Credits Continued Slide 16 Slide 17 Gingivitis picture (Slide 18)
Periodontitis Picture (Slide 18) Braces Picture (Slide 18) canker sores picture (slide 18) Brushing video(slide23) Slide 24 flossing video Slide27 slide 27 Slide 27 Tooth decay picture (slide 18) Dental Plaque Picture (slide 18) Stained Teeth picture (Slide 18) Slide 19 slide 20 slide 21 slide 22 Games (slide 26) Slide 27 slide 27

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