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Using Formulas.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Formulas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Formulas

2 Writing Formulas Click the cell where you want the answer to appear
In Excel all formulas being the with equal sign (=)

3 Simple Formulas + - * / ^ Add =sum(b3+b4) Subtract =(b3-b4)
+ - * / ^ Add =sum(b3+b4) Subtract =(b3-b4) Multiply =(b3*b4) Divide =(b3/b4) Power =(b2*b3)^3

4 Completing the Formulas
Once you have completed the formula you must click ‘enter’ in order for it be done. The result will appear. Note: If you have multiple columns with the same formula you can copy and paste the formula to the other columns and save yourself some time!

5 Complex Formulas Complex formulas: formulas where more than one function is being carried out in one cell: Example: =(b3-b4/3)^2

6 Order of Operations Please Excuse My Aunt Sally

7 Using References Instead of Values
Cell references - using cell addresses instead of whole numbers Avoiding errors Reflecting changes

8 Please Remember…. GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
The computer only calculates what you tell it to do!!!

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