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Money Matters.

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Presentation on theme: "Money Matters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money Matters

2 Can you identify which countries use the following money
Thailand (Baht)

3 Can you identify which countries use the following money
Australia (Dollar)

4 Can you identify which countries use the following money
India (Rupee)

5 Can you identify which countries use the following money
Russia (Ruble)

6 Have we always used money to pay for things ?

7 The oldest form of money known to man—starting in 9,000 B. C
The oldest form of money known to man—starting in 9,000 B.C.—was cattle. From Ireland to Africa, cows were the preferred currency. In fact, parts of Africa used cow currency as recently as the mid–20th century.

8 Cowrie Shells were used as money in China as well as societies in India and Africa due to one big advantage: They were impossible to forge.

9 In 550 B.C., the inhabitants of East Africa and the Sahara Desert used spices for money. Peppercorns were a valuable form of currency during the Middle Ages. And, in 14th-century Germany, the going rate for seven oxen was a pound of nutmeg!

10 In 118 B.C., leather banknotes were issued in China that were fashioned from pieces of white deerskin decorated with colorful borders.

11 The Aztec Empire ranked cocoa beans as their form of currency in the 1500s. Remote Indian tribes in Mexico and Central America continued to use cocoa beans as currency well into the twentieth century.

12 Salt was used as a currency in Roman Times
Salt was used as a currency in Roman Times. Soldiers were paid in salt – we get the modern word ‘Salary’ from this

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