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How to create a glue and chalk drawing:

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1 How to create a glue and chalk drawing:
1. Draw your Design in Pencil on black paper * Do Not Use fine Details, Think Comic Book Style or Stained Glass 2. Trace pencil with Clear Blue Elmer’s glue 3. Let Dry 4. Color with Chalk Pastels *Keep paper under you when you work… They are Messy *Clean Table when Finished each Day * Can blend with q-tips, finger, tissues or paper towel

2 Georgia O’Keeffe Flowers
Blue Morning Glories, 1935 Oriental Poppies, 1928 Jimson Weed, 1936

3 Sandra Silberzweig Turquois Sky Goddess, 2012 Peacock Painting, 2012
Frida and Skeleton Raven, 2012

4 Choose to be Inspired by O’Keeffe or Silberzweig
Flowers/Nature Abstract Face or Selfie

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