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Irascible: adj. definition: easily provoked to anger very irritable.

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Presentation on theme: "Irascible: adj. definition: easily provoked to anger very irritable."— Presentation transcript:

1 irascible: adj. definition: easily provoked to anger very irritable

2 irascible pronunciation: ih-ras-uh-buhl

3 irascible related forms: noun irascibility adverb irascibly

4 irascible cantankerous irritable querulous petulant choleric fractious
synonyms: cantankerous irritable querulous petulant choleric fractious

5 irascible Andy Rooney, an irascible humorist and commentator, criticizes everything that's wrong with the world.

6 irascible Dennis the Menace constantly annoyed his irascible neighbor, Mr. Wilson.

7 irascible The irascible driver thought everyone needed to accommodate him.

8 irascibly Dr. House irascibly answered the patient’s questions.

9 irascibly Sam-I-am wants a nameless skeptic to try green eggs and ham, but the curmudgeon irascibly refuses to eat them.

10 irascibility The baboon was known for its irascibility.

11 irascibility Irascibility seems to be pervasive in sports.

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