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Customer Satisfaction Comes First,

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Presentation on theme: "Customer Satisfaction Comes First,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer Satisfaction Comes First,
Welcome to the Junior Chamber International Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second Seminar Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.1

2 Mission: “Satisfy your customers, and the profits will take care of themselves.” Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.2

3 Business Principles: 1. Sell people, not products
2. Offer quality and value, not low price 3. Satisfy the customer, no matter what it takes 4. Shorten the trading cycle Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.3

4 Customer Satisfaction
Business Agenda 1. Sell a lot of product 2. Focus on customer satisfaction 3. Shorten the trading cycle Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.4

5 “Customer Satisfaction is everyone’s job; it has to be on the minds of all employees every time they interact with customers.” Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.5

6 The Don’t Commandments
1. Never gauge a customer 2. Never pay yourself or a co-worker on a percentage of gross profit 3. Never tell a customer something can not be fixed 4. Never over-promise, always over-perform 5. Never worry about the profit Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.6

7 The Do Commandments 1. Always treat your customer as custom
2. Always give every customer the same fair deal 3. Always take care of your customer at all levels of management 4. Always fix it right the first time 5. Accept getting beaten sometimes Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.7

8 Never cut prices to boost your sales
Never cut prices to boost your sales. Instead, increase quality and value. Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.8

9 The second way is to be more efficient than your competitors.”
“Efficiency: Satisfying the customer is one of only two ways for a business person to make a lot of money. The second way is to be more efficient than your competitors.” Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.9

10 “Operational excellence means providing customers with reliable products or services at competitive prices and delivered with a minimal amount of inconvenience.” Customer Satisfaction Comes First, Profit Comes Second J.10

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