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Spaced Revision-Dunlosky -2013

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1 Spaced Revision-Dunlosky -2013

2 Review of topic; (about ~20 minutes) – this can take any form and is not prescriptive – it is about allowing the student to revisit their notes and build their knowledge base before completing the next tasks. Make sure that the topic is small – anything too large and it will be too much – this is about distributing topics over shorter, more effective revision periods. Transformation exercise; (about ~20 minutes) – here students put their notes away and transform the knowledge into something else – this could be a mind map, a drawing, a song, a poem, flash cards etc. (The idea is that by transforming their knowledge they have to keep asking ‘why’ – why does that item link with another item on a mind map, why should that part be in the drawing … Practice testing; (about 10 minutes) – with a friend, family member, study buddy – or just using the cover, write check method – quickly test yourself on the topic. Exam question; (about 10 minutes) – complete an exam question on the topic / sub-topic you have completed and check this with a mark scheme.




6 These are examples – see your sheet for more ideas!

7 Any question?

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