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Bell ringers Sept. 17-21 Honors/DE.

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1 Bell ringers Sept Honors/DE

2 List AND describe the 4 points Luther and Calvin disagreed.
BR #1: Monday, Sept. 17 List AND describe the 4 points Luther and Calvin disagreed. Summarize Calvin’s responses to the following questions: How can I be saved? What are our chances of being saved? (make sure to include the tests) So why be a Christian if not a part of the elect?

3 Summarize life in Geneva under Calvin.
BR #2: Tuesday, Sept. 18 Summarize life in Geneva under Calvin. What did Calvin believe was God’s terrible decree? What motivated the explorers? What was the treaty of Tordesillas?

4 Describe the impact the English reformation had on Parliament.
BR #3: Wednesday, Sept. 19 What were the two results of the spread of Calvinism throughout Europe? Who were the Huguenots? Describe the impact the English reformation had on Parliament.

5 List and describe 2 means for expansion.
BR #4: Thursday, Sept. 20 List and describe 2 means for expansion. Summarize the slave trade AND how it fit in the triangle of trade.

6 Explain the Columbian exchange. Describe mercantilism.
BR #5: Friday, Sept 21 Explain the Columbian exchange. Describe mercantilism. How did China fair during the age of exploration? Be specific. Before turning in: Please put the following in the upper RIGHT-hand corner of your paper: First and last name Class period Date Once complete, please turn in all 5 bell ringers for this week.

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