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Make a flash card for each of the following terms

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1 Make a flash card for each of the following terms
Make a flash card for each of the following terms. Term on front, full definition on back.

2 Oral cavity Mouth (buccal cavity) Teeth (mastication) Tongue
Hard palate Soft palate Uvula Salivary glands (saliva bolus) Tonsils

3 Esophagus (peristalsis)
Pharynx (Throat) Esophagus (peristalsis) Epiglottis (a flap which closes off trachea when we swallow to prevent aspiration) Esophageal sphincter

4 Small Intestine (DJ I) (20 feet long x 1 inch wide)
Stomach Rugae (allows for enlargement) Chyme Pyloric sphincter Small Intestine (DJ I) (20 feet long x 1 inch wide) Villi, Lacteals Duodenum (9-10 in) Jejunum (8 feet) Ileum (12 feet) (ileocecal valve)

5 Large Intestine (5 feet x 2 inches)
Cecum Appendix Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon Rectum (6-8 inches) Anal Canal (Anus)

6 Insert all of the above terms and definitions into Quizlet and the link of your Quizlet to:

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