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Trade in Goods Statistics Data Transmission and Dissemination

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1 Trade in Goods Statistics Data Transmission and Dissemination
Medstat III, Directors Committee meeting, 13 April 2011 Statistical Cooperation with European and Mediterranean Countries Francesco Natalini Raponi Eurostat/Unit D1

2 Objective “The ENP will contribute to develop further regional integration, building on the achievements of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, notably in the area of trade.” (ENP, Strategy Paper, 2004) Se refere aux echange commercieux e plus en particulier aux procedures dounieres Mais sous intende un partenariat aussi dans les echange des donnees pour mesurer ces politiques… Mes messages aujourd hui Relancer la trasmission des donnes de la part de MPC Promouvoir an acces public de ces donnes Vous montrer les potentialite offert par Commext – L outil informatic de stoccage et diffusion des donnees

3 Questions to be answered
What has been achieved? (MEDSTAT II) What do we want achieve? (MEDSTAT III) Why COMEXT should be used for trade in goods data? COMEXT is the Eurostat reference database and dissemination tool for trade in goods data

4 Main Facts about Trade in Goods Statistics under MEDSTAT II
A protocol for data exchange was defined at the beginning of MEDSTAT II 8 MPC provided monthly trade in goods data (Year coverage : ) 1)- L entente prevoAIT la trasmission periodique des donnees CE mensueles La creation d un domain MED dans comext ou charger les donnees , mais no acces au public 2) Some MPC pointed out the opportunity of direct link with the data producer L importance de la collaboration entre NSI e producteur des donnees

5 Eurostat supplied EU Data by sending monthly DVD copies to MPC
Main Facts about Trade in Goods Statistics under MEDSTAT II - continued The objective of a sustainable monthly transmission was partially achieved Data transmitted not in line with Eurostat requirements (Doc. COOP 400) Eurostat supplied EU Data by sending monthly DVD copies to MPC Trade Data transmission stopped with MEDSTAT II

6 Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full Now?
MPCs demonstrated their ability to produce detailed trade statistics The environment for a more transparent and user friendly data dissemination is defined – COMEXT The steps to achieve sustainable monthly data transmission are not so big With MEDSTAT III the glass can be filled

7 Main Objectives for Trade in Goods Statistics under MEDSTAT III
Re-launch the data transmission Respecting some technical pre requisite Ensure good relationship and co-operation with the data producer Ensure a better dissemination and use of such data Use of COMEXT Give public access to the data Use of the format described in the Doc. Coop 400 revision 2, with a preference for “TEXT” format Total files for each flow should also be transmitted, in order to be able to check that the complete detailed files have been received Transmission via eDAMIS Transmission of national product classification, if possible with labels

8 Main Objectives for Trade in Goods Statistics under MEDSTAT III - continued
By end of June 2011 Fulfil prerequisites Transmission of 2008, 2009 and 2010 data By End 2011 Start regular transmission of 2011 data (“regular” = when available, e.g. monthly) 2012 Transmission of all revisions

9 Eurostat COMEXT Reference Database at a Glance
The COMEXT database is the storage and dissemination tool for external trade statistics in the EU CONTENT imports, exports and trade balance normal trade plus inward/outward processing procedures product lines, classified into 99 chapters in value (Euro and EU national currencies) and in quantity (tonnes and/or supplementary units) 250 partner countries and 50 partner economic zones STRUCTURE Macro-domains (EU ; Co-operation Countries; International Organization) Domains (Mediterranean; Balkans) Nested Domain (By product classification ; Import By tarif preference..) Inward/Outward processing: customs procedure under which certains goods can be brought into a customs territory conditionally relieved from the payment of import duties and taxes. Compensating products indicates products obtained as a result of the manufacturing, processing or repair of the goods temporarely admitted for inward processing TOOLS Customized Extraction Calculation Tools Mirror Exercise

10 Eurostat COMEXT Reference Database - Access
Two type of access: Restricted/COMEXT DB: The full database, accessible to the staff of the European Commission, European Institutions, National and Regional authorities and selected external users. Public/Easy COMEXT is accessible via web to all users. It contains only a part of the information available in Comext DB. Plus grande visibilite Plus grande comaparabilite’ Dsicussion positives antre pays

11 Eurostat COMEXT Reference Database – An Example
COMEXT allows to customize and save our extraction plan Definition of the extraction plan (View) The value of Shirts Imported from MED Countries into 9 Member States

12 Eurostat COMEXT Reference Database – An Example

13 Eurostat COMEXT Reference Database - Content
Different trade systems, bases of valuation, thresholds, exchange rates Confidential transactions Errors in partner country and in recording Time lag

14 Thanks for your attention. For info please contact: francesco
Thanks for your attention ! For info please contact:

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