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Scientific Revolution

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1 Scientific Revolution

2 Warm Up Get out HW- caricatures Check grade- on the front board
Label page 50- What’s So Great About Peter the Great Write down HW

3 Background What was the Renaissance? 1st- Renaissance sparked a curiosity in many fields, allowing people to begin to think for themselves

4 Background What did the Renaissance question? 2nd During the Reformation people began challenging the way people viewed god, the church and salvation

5 Background 3rd During the same time as the Reformation another revolution occurred. People began to challenge the way people viewed their place in the universe

6 Background- don’t need to write
Geocentric- means earth centered- the Church believed the earth was the center of the universe and threatened to punish anyone who believed otherwise using the inquisition. Aristotle and Ptolemy supported geocentric

7 What was the Scientific Revolution
The scientific revolution was a new way of thinking about the natural world. That was based upon careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs

8 What led to the Revolution
1- Muslims during the Middle Ages compiled a large collection of ancient and modern scientific knowledge

9 What led to the Revolution
2- Scientific courses such as astronomy, physics and mathematics began being offered in colleges

10 What led to the Revolution
3- Explorers needed new tools and inventions to better navigate the world

11 Nicolaus Copernicus 1500’s

12 Nicolaus Copernicus 1- He did not agree with the current explanation for the movement of the planets, sun, moon and stars

13 Nicolaus Copernicus 2 In the early 1500’s he began to study the idea that the sun stood at the center of the universe

14 Nicolaus Copernicus 3 After 25 years Copernicus proved that the sun stood in the center of the stars and other planets

15 Nicolaus Copernicus 4- Called the Heliocentric Theory- sun centered

16 Johannes Kepler 1600’s

17 Johannes Kepler 1- Kepler expanded on Copernicus’s work, he wanted to know why and how the planets orbit the way they do 2- He proved that planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits instead of circles

18 Elliptical Circles- Kepler
How do you explain summer and winter?                                

19 Galileo Galilei

20 Galileo Galilei In 1609 Galileo used a telescope to study the heavens .

21 Galileo Galilei In he wrote Starry Messenger, which described his observations. His observation confirmed Copernicus’s idea of heliocentric What is heliocentric?

22 Galileo Galilei Do not write
Since Galileo’s works went against the church he was urged not to publish his book He was taken to court and lied and told the court, under the threat of torture, that Copernicus's ideas were wrong He was jailed until his death, however, his ideas spread throughout the world

23 Isaac Newton

24 Isaac Newton By age 24 Newton was certain all physical objects on earth and in space were affected equally by the same forces. The key idea that linked motion in the heaven with motion on earth was the law of universal gravitation.

25 What is the Law of Gravity?
Every object in the universe attracts every other object. The degree of attraction depends on the mass of the objects and distance between them

26 William Harvey

27 William Harvey He wrote On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals It showed that the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body. He also described the function of blood vessels

28 A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas.
Scientific Method A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas.

29 Scientific Method 3rd- test hypothesis in an experiment
1st- A problem or Questions arising from observations 2nd- hypothesis, or unproven assumption 3rd- test hypothesis in an experiment 4th- Scientist analyze and interpret their data to reach a new conclusion. - that conclusion either confirms or disproves the hyp.

30 Scientific Method- Impact DO NOT WRITE
Modern scientists methods are based on the scientific method. Scientists have shown that observations and experimentations together with general laws that can be expressed mathematically, can lead to a better understanding of the world

31 Other important inventions
Microscope Edward Jenner-Vaccine for Small Pox- still very dangerous

32 License Plates The vanity plate should represent their major idea/contribution to the world’s intellectual movement. It MUST: Be 7 characters or less Be made up of characters allowed on license plates ( letters, numbers, spaces, and ampersand (#)) LUV DMV LUVU-DMV LUV4DMV Have an image/background that helps illustrate the person’s life/accomplishments

33 Horse and Gun Enthusiast
SPAIN AZ DSTR Horse and Gun Enthusiast

34 Classwork and Homework
Classwork- on page 52- For each person briefly illustrate their invention or discovery. Also why is the scientific method important? And What led to the Scientific Revolution Be prepared to Share Homework-Reading Study Guide when you finish tear out and put on page 52 on your notebook

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