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Status Report on MCP PET Simulation

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1 Status Report on MCP PET Simulation
PET detector design using MCP+ Transmission line board. MCP, Transmission shows fast time responses. Possible candidate for TOP-PET photo detector and readout. Develop Geant4 Simulation for LSO. Using Geant4 output, simulate MCP+Trans Board electrical pulse output.

2 2. Simulation Setup Module: LSO,MCP,Photocathode 50x50x29mm3
LSO : 12x12 pixlelated Xtal, ( 4x4x25mm3 for each)‏ Space between Xtal : 0.25mm MCP+Photocathode : 12x12 anodes 5.0cm distance between two modules. Two 511keV gamma generated at the center with 180 angle. Head to the center of one Xtal( 2.125, 2.125, 0)‏

3 Single electron response
Pulse shape: Gaussian shape with asymmetric width 1sigma ~300ps(left), 400ps(right)‏ ~500ps rise and falling time Single electron gain : Assuming 10e6. ~70% FWHM. TTS : ~100ps sigma From real measurement(J.F)‏ ns Pulse shape for single electron

4 3. Results Readout Schemes
Individual anode readout( 12x12x2(up, down))‏ 2) Transmission line board( 12x2x2) ( not shown here)‏

5 # of optical photon at photocatode
Total # of photon detected at a photocathode. After Q.E applied. ~770 entries around peak( ~77% efficiency for single module)

6 Signals at 3x3 anodes (applied single electron response)
ad s aa ns Assign single electron response to each electron. Assign Assign single electron response to each electrons.

7 Rising part (~to 10ns, mV) dfd

8 Energy Readout 12x12 anodes separately.
(Divide photocathode into 12x12.)‏ Energy sum of 3x3 anodes w.r.t maximum signal anode. E resolution: ~11% FWHM

9 Coincidence Timing Maxium signal anodes. Leading edge method.
Threshold : 20mV ~380ps FWHM ns

10 Plans Develop Gean4 simulation for MCP PET. V0 version is working
Readout with Transmission line board. Improve timing. Response at various points. Scintillator with shorter decay time constant.(e.g, LaBr)‏

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