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Word of the Day Week of May 7, 2018 conceal (verb) to hide something

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Presentation on theme: "Word of the Day Week of May 7, 2018 conceal (verb) to hide something"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of the Day Week of May 7, 2018 conceal (verb) to hide something Sentence: The turtle concealed its head when the kids tried to get it.

2 Word of the Day Week of May 7, 2018 stumble (verb) to trip or to lose one’s balance for a moment Sentence: The man stumbled and almost fell backwards.

3 irritate Word of the Day
Week of May 7, 2018 irritate (verb) to make someone annoyed, impatient or angry Sentences: Please do not irritate your teacher by yelling out the answers.

4 Word of the Day Week of May 7, 2018 persist (verb) to try to do something even though it is difficult  Sentence: You must persist in reading everyday so you can be better at it.

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