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Preview of The Roman Empire on page 24 in your notebook

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1 Preview of The Roman Empire 12-13-17 on page 24 in your notebook
page 282 in the Blue text and 21 in the notebook 1. After Caesars death what happens next in Rome? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Begin the investigation and confirmation of your hypothesis. __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

2 The Second Triumvirate

3 The Impact of Augustus Rome experiences 200 years of Peace because of Augustus Define Pax Romana He creates a professional army 150,000 strong Creates elite troops called the Praetorian Guard ~To protect the emperor Add Praetorian guard to your vocab Praetorian Guard would at times select the new Emperor

4 The Impact of Augustus Conquered much of Europe, Spain and Gaul.
Population of the empire grew to about 50 million people Rebuilt Rome in Marble with style and grace Imported grain from Africa to feed the poor Improved the Government Appointed governors (proconsuls) to each province Traveled the Empire checking on the proconsuls Reformed the tax system, making it a government job Improved the legal system giving more protection to non-citizens Built Rome's first library

5 Stop and jot with your neighbor on page 22 next to the bullets put your rating.
Rate the Government improvements from 1-5 1 being the most important and 5 the least important improvement made by Augustus

6 On page 23 answer the prompt with a paragraph response
Identify the 3 people that make up the 2nd triumvirate and then explain how they can claim a leadership role. What is their background? 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 The leaders that followed Augustus
Augustus dies after 40 years leading Rome in A.D. 14 He is followed by some good leaders Tiberius AD a relative of Augustus rules next A good military ruler keeps a stable economy controls fraud Claudius AD Conquers most of Britain builds new aqueducts for Rome Hadrian AD Realized Rome was too large and began to reduce its size

8 Roads and Money Power was consolidated by developing a single monetary system for the Empire Good roads were needed for the extensive trade of the Empire Currency was the same in Egypt as it was in Rome Define Currency~ This led to a system of standard weights and measures making it easier to ship, trade and price products throughout the Empire Examples; A pound of grain, a cord of wood, a ton of coal Today ~ gallon of fuel, minutes on a cell phone plan, data package

9 So what did he do?  Augustus had ended 100 years of civil war and achieved over 40 years of internal peace and prosperity. His vision and power had expanded the Roman Empire to become far more than a collection of countries. Instead, it was a diverse society and enormous marketplace in which people across Europe, north Africa and the Middle East could trade and travel under Rome’s protection. He had won over the Senate and founded a dynasty. But this would feature as many villains as heroes, and would take Rome on a roller-coaster ride into assassination, insanity and terror.

10 Review your notes and pick one of the major contributions or improvements made in Rome. Then explain (defend) why you think it is the most important contribution. Consider how many people are affected and if it improves the lives of the people of Rome. You need to put your response in paragraph form on page ?

11 Skip This Page for 12/13/2017. Create a list of Caesars reforms for Rome and the changes Augustus made to the government of Rome

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