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Personal presentation

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1 Personal presentation
DAVID CAÑAS IPROMO Bioeconomy in mountain areas – an opportunity for local development Pieve Tesino /Ormea 18 June -02 July 2018

2 Employment and main activities
Education University College London (UCL). Master in Geospatial Analysis (Merit). Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESPE). Geographical Engieneer. Employment and main activities Ministry of Environment. In charge of approving the geographical component of environmental impact assessments for the environmental licences.

3 Other interests (volunteer work, hobbies etc.)
Mountain biking cyclist: active cyclist and competitions organizer. Trail runner. “Urku Ñan” Social Organization: Founder and president. Indigenous languages: Kichwa student (second level out of three).

4 Presentation of a project you are working on 1/3
Consultant for INTERCOOPERATION LATIN AMERICA FUNDATION Vulnerability and Adaptability to Climate Change of the Pita-Puengasí Drinking Water System. Activities: On field data collection and mapping.

5 Presentation of a project you are working on 2/3
Consultant for INTERCOOPERATION LATIN AMERICA FUNDATION Climate Change and its Damage to Antisana Ecological Reserve. Activities: On field data collection and mapping

6 Presentation of a project you are working on 3/3
Enduro Mountain Biking Race: “Valle de la Muerte 2018” Race organizar. First Plastic Free Competition in Ecuador.

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