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Correlation of biological variance between patients and tissue types.

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1 Correlation of biological variance between patients and tissue types.
Correlation of biological variance between patients and tissue types. Each dot represents one protein. (A) Distributions of biological variance estimates. Inter-patient variances and inter-tissue variances are based on averaging the measurements of at least three punches. Intra-tissue variance was first determined independently per patient and tissue type, and then averaged. (B) Biological variance between tissue of the same patient versus variance between punches of the same patient and tissue. (C) Biological variance between different patients but same tissue type versus variance between punches of the same patient and tissue. (D) Biological variance between the same tissue types in different patients versus variance between different tissue types of the same patient. Tiannan Guo et al. LSA 2018;1:e © 2018 Guo et al.

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