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Somerset Schools Forum Agenda Item 2

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1 Somerset Schools Forum Agenda Item 2
May 2019 Our Vision To improve the outcomes for all children and young people by working in partnership with others.

2 SSE Financial Outturn 2014/15 £1.047m
(cumulative reserves across all traded services moving into SSE) 2015/16 £0.001m surplus 2016/17 £0.409m surplus 2017/18 £0.217m surplus 2018/19 £0.371m surplus 2019/20 Budgeting to break even

3 SSE Surpluses - Reserves
Any operating surpluses or losses are retained within SCC. SSE Reserves at end of 18/19 = £794k Reserves used previously to fund spending pressures within Education such as Team around the School and the SEP programme. SSE Reserves required for: Operational risks including reduction in buyback of services resulting in potential redundancy costs. Investment in services and systems. Maintenance of buildings and stock replacement etc

4 Plans for SSE Reserves Commitment Amount (£)
Amounts held for non-SSE services – to be transferred 30k Investment in buildings and vehicles at Outdoor centres 200k Replacement for books, instruments etc 100k Implementation of CRM system and Sales and Business Development Manger. 90k One off costs to transition SCIL to Dillington 50k Invest to save in Centre of Excellence – SCIL and Inclusion Allowance for increased charge on Refuse contract 10k Uncommitted reserves (1.2% of total income in 18/19) 264k

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