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Statistical Methods for Data Analysis Multivariate discriminators with TMVA Luca Lista INFN Napoli.

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1 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis Multivariate discriminators with TMVA
Luca Lista INFN Napoli

2 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
Purpose of TMVA Provide support with uniform interface to many Multivariate Analysis technologies: Rectangular cut optimization (binary splits) Projective likelihood estimation Multi-dimensional likelihood estimation (PDE range-search, k-NN) Linear and nonlinear discriminant analysis (H-Matrix, Fisher, FDA) Artificial neural networks (three different implementations) Support Vector Machine Boosted/bagged decision trees Predictive learning via rule ensembles (RuleFit) The package is integrated with ROOT distribution Helper tools for visualization provided Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

3 Variable preprocessing
For each classifier, a variable set (optional, but default) preprocessing can be applied Variables can be normalized to a common range Linear transformation into: Uncorrelated variable set Principal components (projection along axes with maximum variance) Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

4 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
TMVA Factory All the main TMVA objects are managed via a factory object TFile out("tmvaOut.root", "RECREATE"); TMVA::Factory * factory = new TMVA::Factory("<JobName>", &out,"<options>"); out is a ROOT writable file that will be filled by TMVA with histograms and trees JobName is the conventional name of the job Options allow: verbosity (“V=False”) colored text output (“Color=True”) Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

5 Specify training and test samples
Input files can be specified as ROOT trees or ASCII files If signal and background are saved into different trees: TTree * sigTree = (TTree*)sigSrc->Get(“<SigTreeName>”); TTree * bkgTreeA = (TTree*)bkgSrc->Get(“<BkgTreeNameA>”); TTree * bkgTreeB = (TTree*)bkgSrc->Get(“<BkgTreeNameB>”); TTree * bkgTreeC = (TTree*)bkgSrc->Get(“<BkgTreeNameC>”); Double_t sigWeight = 1.0; Double_t bkgWeightA = 1.0, bkgWeightB = 1.0, bkgWeightC = 1.0; factory->AddSignalTree(sigTree, sigWeight); factory->AddBackgroundTree(bkgTreeA, bkgWeightA); factory->AddBackgroundTree(bkgTreeB, bkgWeightB); factory->AddBackgroundTree(bkgTreeC, bkgWeightC); Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

6 Alternative input specification
Specify cuts to select signal and background events TCut supported (string cut, e.g. “signal=1”) E.g.: based on flags in the tree TTree * inputTree = (TTree*)src->Get(“TreeName”); TCut sigCut = ...; TCut bkgCut = ...; factory->SetInputTrees(inputTree, sigCut, bkgCut); Specify input from ASCII files: // first file line must be variable specification // in ROOT standards. E.g.: x/F:y/F:z/F:k/I // next lines ordered variable values TString sigFile(“signal.txt”); TString bkgFile(“background.txt”); Double_t sigWeight = 1.0, bkgWeight = 1.0; factory->SetInputTrees(sigFile, bkgFile, sigWeight, bkgWeght); Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

7 Selecting variable for MA
Variables or their combination supported Using ROOT TFormula factory->AddVariable(“x”, ‘F’); factory->AddVariable(“y”, ‘F’); factory->AddVariable(“x+y+z”,‘F’); factory->AddVariable(“k”, ‘I’); Variable type specified with (optional) characted code: F=float or double; I=int, short, char; also unsigned Weights can be computed from variables in the tree: factory->SetWeightExpression(“<weightExpression>”); Normalization of a variable in the range [0, 1] can be specified with the Boolean option Normalise. Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

8 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
Prepare training data Data internally copied and split into a training tree and a test tree User can specify the size of both training and test samples TCut presel = ...; factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTrees(presel, “<options>”); Options list Sample size can be specified via: NSigTrain=5000:NBkgTrain=5000:NSigTest=5000:NBkgTest=5000 Default (0) means: all (remaining) events taken SplitMode specifies how to extract trainig and sample (Block; Alternate; Random, setting seed with SplitSeed=123456) Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

9 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
Booking classifiers Different classifiers can run and be compared within the same TMVA job Classifiers should be booked in advance, specifying their configuration in the option string factory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kLikelihood, “LikelihoodD”, “H:!TransformOutput:Spline=2:\ NSMooth=5:Preprocess=Decorrelate”); Specific options for each classifier exist Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

10 Train and test classifiers
All classifiers can be trained at once factory->TrainAllMethods(); After training, tests can run and be saved to output file for visualization factory->TestAllMethods(); Performance evaluation (efficiencies, ecc.) can be done afterwards: factory->EvaluateAllMethods(); Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

11 Apply your trained classifiers
Instantiate TMVA reader: TMVA::Reader * reader = new TMVA::Reader(); Define the input variables The same and in the same order as for the training! Float_t a, b, c; reader->AddVariable(“a”, &a); reader->AddVariable(“b”, &b); reader->AddVariable(“c”, &c); Book classifiers, reading output weight files reader->BookMVA(“<classifierName>”, “weights.txt”); Evaluate classifiers given the variable set a = 1.234; b = 1.000; c = 10.00; Double r = reader->EvaluateMVA(“<classifierName>”); Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

12 Classifier ranking in TMVA
Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

13 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
TMVA GUI macro TMVAGui.C comes with TMVA distribution From ROOT prompt: > TMVA::TMVAGui(“myFile.root”) Click on the desired plot option Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

14 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
References TMVA User Guide CERN-OPEN arXiv physics/ TMVA Luca Lista Statistical Methods for Data Analysis

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