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Supporting All Children Learning and Playing Together FIRST 5 Commission Meeting June 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting All Children Learning and Playing Together FIRST 5 Commission Meeting June 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 Supporting All Children Learning and Playing Together FIRST 5 Commission Meeting June 20, 2012

3 2 IC Alignment with FIRST 5 Understand the: –IC Historical Perspective –Highlights of Accomplishments and Impact Advocacy and Access Inclusion Supports Professional Development Screening and Assessment Coordination WARMENHOVEN INSTITUTE FOR INCLUSION Supported by:

4 3 MISSION STATEMENT The Inclusion Collaborative of Santa Clara County is committed to ensuring that children with disabilities & special needs have equal access to full participation in inclusive learning environments. Alignment with FIRST 5

5 Inclusion Collaborative History Walk Local Early Planning Council (LPC) creates sub- committee for inclusion Implementation Plan Created with funding from FIRST 5, LPC and E-3 (West Ed) Needs assessment Inclusion Collaborative focused on consultation and Assessment for FIRST 5 no funding Screening and Assessment Begins- centralized thru COE SB 1703 passed shared funds between LPC and Community Child Care Council (4cs) FIRST 5 funded Inclusion Collaborative Joint award for SCCOE and (E-3) (West Ed)-began Inclusion Symposium FIRST 5, SCCOE and Warmenhovens funds for Inclusion Collaborative for Pilot Inclusion Site Trained 700 educators, parent and administrators on inclusive practices Inclusion Support Warm Line KidConnections KidScope FIRST 5 Centralized Referral System through MH Continue IC Training 200120022003200420052006 200720082009201020112012 Continued funding through FIRST 5, SCCOE, Warmenhoven and other small grants Trained 3400 staff Community training for Libraries, after school CSEFEL- AB212- IFECMHCP Provided professional development for over 2000 early education staff and families- IFECMHCP 32 inclusion classrooms at 19 sites Impact growing- Warm Line Developmental Screenings

6 5 Inclusion Collaborative Strategic Areas Professional Development Screening and Assessment Coordination Advocacy and Access Inclusion Support

7 Strategic Area Advocacy and Access Impact Highlights 6

8 Strategic Area: Advocacy and Access Person First Terminology Impact 2011-12 Pledge of Respect 304 people signed a pledge Person First Policy 633% 34 agencies signed a pledge 179% 7 FIRST 5-signed pledge and several funded agencies Sign up on-line: FIRST 5 Alignment

9 Strategic Area: Access Impact 2011-12 Satisfaction I am satisfied with… - Percent Agree or Strongly Agree 8

10 9 Strategic Area: Access Impact 2011-12

11 10 Strategic Area: Access Impact 2011-12 Comments: She loves school and looks forward to going to class every morning The IC helped the district create a wonderful inclusion program He loves being with other children.

12 Strategic Area Access: Inclusion Sites 2012-13 Impact 11 19 Sites 40 Classrooms 7 School Districts SCCOE

13 Strategic Area Access: Impact Across the State Supporting Early Education Delivery Systems- (SEEDS) visitation site SEEDS consultant 12 Statewide Exemplary Program

14 Strategic Area Inclusion Supports Impact Highlights 13

15 Strategic Area: Inclusion Supports: Inclusion Support Warm Line Impact 14 July-June 2012 = 504 contacts July 2008-June 2012 =1560 contacts Referrals to and from FIRST 5 System of Care Warm Line Developmental Screenings Trained on: ASQ/ASQ SE, Triple P and CA-CSEFEL

16 Strategic Area: Inclusion Supports: Inclusion Support Warm Line Impact Thank you. I really appreciate all of your help and advice. What a huge help you are! Every time I am in touch with you, you blow me away with more information. Thank you so much. Thank you for the wonderful resources. It is an accommodation for wheel chairs. A table has been heightened in the classroom. The teaching staff found the tri-wall picture very helpful. The Inclusion collaborative is doing wonderful work for our clients. The resources you have gathered are very comprehensive and we look forward to utilizing them as well as sharing them with our families. 15

17 Strategic Area: Inclusion Supports: Visual Supports for Home 16 Washing Hands Daily home schedule

18 Strategic Area: Inclusion Supports: Visual Supports for Home 17 Using the bathroom Brushing Teeth

19 Strategic Area Professional Development Impact Highlights 18

20 19 100%99%100% Strategic Area: Professional Development- Impact 2011-12 Survey Results For All Trainings 2011-12 Agree Disagree

21 20 Strategic Area: Professional Development- Impact 2011-12 Supports FIRST 5 System of CARE to support KCN, PoP sites FRCs and RTT

22 Strategic Area: Professional Development- Impact 2005-2012 21 Supports FIRST 5 System of CARE to support KCN, PoP sites FRCs and RTT

23 Strategic Area: Professional Development Participants Comments Trainings are very helpful for those who are working with children with disabilities-it is a must to take this type of workshop Your trainings continue to exceed my expectations I really learn a lot in all of the workshops, all trainers are knowledgeable and give me strategies that I can put to use the next day in my classroom! Thank you! Your hands on, research based and active participation is very effective in reaching your audience Thank you for making a difference in Santa Clara County! 22

24 Strategic Area: Professional Development July to June 2012 Outreach: 737 Professional development participants: 3092 KidConnections trainings:140 Total: 3969 23 Participants represent 7 counties 27 districts 4 higher education 42 other agencies/programs Over 46% of programs served are FIRST 5 Funded Programs

25 Strategic Area Assessment Coordination Impact Highlights 24

26 Strategic Area: Screening and Assessment Coordination July 2011 to April 2012 25 Early Start Referrals- 158 Special Education Referrals-149 Annual Referrals ESP School Districts Total FY 2007-2012 07-086882150 08-098788175 09-108297179 10-11134172306 11-12158149307-to 4/12 Total5295881117 Alignment with FIRST 5 System of Care- RTT KidConnections Referrals to ESP/School Districts:

27 Success Story- It Takes a Village 26

28 IC Braided Funding Sources 2008-2012 27

29 Questions? 28 Thank You! Contact: Janice Battaglia, Manager 408-453-6552

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