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The Stone Age – Cultural heritage – the 4. grade excursion.

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Presentation on theme: "The Stone Age – Cultural heritage – the 4. grade excursion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Stone Age – Cultural heritage – the 4. grade excursion

2 Reindeer-6000 years old The students visited the famous carvings from the Stone Age, and they got to see the reindeer and the man

3 OLD CRAFTS Jewelry made of bones and teeth from animals Tools made of flint

4 The students made axes from stones

5 Learning of excrements from different animals

6 From a moose

7 Studying the information board

8 Petroglyphs

9 The tools of flint came from Denmark

10 Settlement from the Stone Age

11 How to live and survive Making clothes of leather



14 Adventure in nature

15 Lizard

16 The frog pond must be examined

17 Information about old methods of hunting

18 We have learned a lot today!!!

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